Acheinu Presents An Evening of Chizuk & Chinuch

As Yom Kippur approaches, everything we need in the coming year – health, wealth, happiness – is constantly on our minds. Of course, at the top of any parent’s list is the upbringing of their children.

This Elul, Acheinu presents “An Evening of Chizuk and Chinuch,” featuring a fascinating video presentation of answers and hadracha from HaGaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, shlita, on the difficult questions of raising and educating our children in today’s environment. Among the many fascinating topics that HaRav Shteinman covers is, “When a child behaves in a negative way, how should a parent deal with it in the most constructive way?” Another question that is dealt with is, “How can parents and mechanchim instill a ‘geshmak’ for learning in our children and students?”

The video will be accompanied by parenting lectures from acclaimed speakers at two locations.  On Tuesday, September 14th, Rabbi Fishel Schachter, Maggid shiur, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, will deliver a special presentation on parenting. The program, entitled “Parent & Child: A Match Made in Heaven” will feature ideas, techniques and inspiration for parents to help children achieve their full potential.  The event begins 8:20 pm (doors open 7:45 pm) in Flatbush at the Agudah of Ave. L, Bais Binyamin (corner of Avenue L and Nostrand Avenue). Mr. Henri Beer is chairman of the event.

The following evening, a second event will be taking place in the Five Towns/Far Rockaway with world renowned lecturer Rabbi Jonathan Rietti.  On Wednesday, September 15th, Rabbi Rietti will speak on the topic of “Raising Our Children to be Ehrlicher Yidden.” The event will take place in Congregation Shaaray Tefila located at 25 Central Avenue, Lawrence, 8:20 pm. R’ Dov Lebovic is chairman of the Five Towns event.

This event is being sponsored leiluy nishnas Chaya Sara bas R’ Ahron by an anonymous donor on behalf of Acheinu.  Acheinu, the Kiruv movement to develop B’nei Torah, was founded 16 years ago to return unaffiliated Israeli children to Torah.  With great Siyata D’shmaya, Acheinu’s trained staff has a 93% success rate of ensuring that these children remain Shomrei Torah U’mitzvos.

To contribute to Acheinu or for additional information about these events, please call 877-5-ACHEINU.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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