Synagogue Bomb Plot Trial Delayed for Medical Review

The trial of four men accused of plotting to bomb New York synagogues and fire missiles at military planes was postponed today because one defendant required a medical review.

The defendant, Laguerre Payen, “got in some kind of trouble” at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan last night and was placed in separate housing, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon said. Payen refused to come to court this morning and it took about 2 1/2 hours for U.S. marshals to bring him to the courthouse, she said.

McMahon adjourned the trial until tomorrow at the request of Payen’s attorney, Samuel Braverman, so the defendant can be evaluated by a doctor. Braverman said his client was “unresponsive” and didn’t speak to him this morning, although he appeared conscious.

“He didn’t look well,” Braverman told reporters outside the Manhattan courtroom, adding that his client hadn’t been in a fight and that he didn’t know why he had been placed in separate housing.

The trial of Payen and co-defendants James Cromitie, David Williams and Onta Williams, which began August 23, was scheduled to resume today following a 2 1/2-day break.

The four Newburgh, New York, men are accused of planning to blow up a synagogue and Jewish community center in the Bronx section of New York City and fire missiles at military planes based at an Air National Guard base at Stewart International Airport in Newburgh. Defense attorneys have argued the defendants are the victims of entrapment by a paid government informant.

The four men have been indicted on counts including conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in the U.S. They face as long as life in prison if convicted of the most serious charges.

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(Source: Business Week)

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