Is Bob Singer Pulling Out Of The Lakewood Race?

Rumors are swirling in Lakewood, that Senator and Committeeman Bob Singer may be pulling out of the race. These rumors have yet to be confirmed, but earlier Monday morning, the following statement was released to The Lakewood Scoop, by BOE member Carl Fink.

“Now that it has been “leaked” to the press, albeit in a cowardly fashion, I would like to announce that I was indeed approached by individuals in the community and asked to replace Senator Singer in the upcoming election. I have not yet given a final answer, and am contemplating the move. I consulted with some LAC members and senior community representatives.”

“The consensus was that based on my performance on the planning board and the Board of Education my candidacy would be of benefit to the Town. Isaac Ackerman is an exceptional candidate, and if I decided not to run then I would fully support Isaac. It was with this in mind that I am contemplating  jumping in. I think a fresh mind with no favors owed to anyone would be appreciated.”

“I am an independent thinker and have proven such over the past 5 years on both the planning board and the BOE. I owe nothing to anyone. Together with other LAC members we have accomplished a zero increase, fair planning board practices, multi vendor approach, etc. Should I decide to join the race for Committee, I will be the same free thinker. I will not be beholden to any group whatsoever.”

“It seems that some in the Orthodox community are bent on a fight at all costs. Even if victory is not definite, a fight is worth more than victory. My candidacy would be about helping this town unite for the betterment of all. Nothing to do with the LAC, the Vaad, or any other group.”

“I would like to reiterate that I have not made a final decision, and that decision will be based on what I feel is best for my family and this town. Nobody else will make that decision for me.”

As it stands now, Bob Singer is set to run against Democratic Candidate Marta Harrison and Independent Candidate Isaac Akerman in the November 3rd elections.

Bob Singer has been on the Township Committee for 29 years, and currently holds a dual position, the other being his seat in the Senate. The dual position holding in NJ has become illegal in 2002, but Singer has been grandfathered in prior to the 2002 law.

(Source: TLS)

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