New Problem In NYC: Skunks

Earlier this week, the NY Times blog posted about the newly found brashness of New York City’s raccoons. Now, they have reports of another animal in NYC: Skunks.

For residents of northern Manhattan and the Bronx, skunks have become the stinkiest unwanted guests of them all. Earlier this spring, residents of Co-op City complained of the striped stinkers invading the garbage, and Inwood and Washington Heights have dealt with them for several years.

Skunks have solidified their grasp on Washington Heights and have been seen as far south as Riverside Park. Dog owners have reported encounters in which their pooches, which think the skunks’ prespray dance is an offer for play, never win. Animal control workers have reported an increase in calls, especially since the spring mating season.

Richard Simon, the deputy director of the city’s Urban Park Rangers, said no hard numbers for the skunk migration were available, although there had been a noticeable increase in Manhattan in the past few years.

(Read More: NY Times)

One Response

  1. Well, the skunks figure with all this talk about a mosque at Ground Zero, they they also should certainly have a right to be in the city, as well. And I totally agree!

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