Village Voice on Al Sharpton’s Endorsement of Senator Eric Schneiderman: ‘You Gotta Be Kidding’

Yesterday, the ultra-liberal village voice eviscerated Senator Eric Schneiderman for accepting the support of Al Sharpton and promising Sharpton office space in the Attorney General’s office if Schneiderman wins the primary election on Tuesday, September 14th.

When New York’s most liberal paper – the Village Voice – criticizes New York’s most liberal candidate for Attorney General – Eric Schneiderman – for accepting the endorsement of a liberal favorite – Al Sharpton – you know that Attorney General candidate has some serious problems. The Village Voice’s conclusion: Schneiderman will lose the election.

Read on for an edited (for language and brevity) version of Wayne Barret’s story in the Village Voice:

“Can I start with the final straw and work my way backwards?

While I was away on vacation last week, Al Sharpton, one of the worst tax scofflaws in New York, endorsed Eric Schneiderman for the state’s top law enforcement office. No big deal. Any one of the four other Democrats running for attorney general would have, oddly, welcomed the endorsement of the man everyone presumes has great influence with New York blacks even though he got eight percent of the total vote in the state’s 2004 presidential primary, barely nosing out Dennis Kucinich, and only a third of the black vote, a universe away from the 85 percent Chicago’s Jesse Jackson got in NY a decade before him.

Here’s what astonished me. Schneiderman could have just said “Thank you, Rev.”

Instead, obsequious Eric said how great it was to get “the Good Housekeeping seal of approval from the man from the House of Justice,” which is what Sharpton calls his National Action Network (NAN) headquarters in Harlem. Schneiderman cited Sharpton’s pursuit of justice and said he would “seek to follow that model as AG,” adding: “The House of Justice will have an annex in Albany for the first time in the history of the state.”

It was craven excess, an unconscious declaration of how transactional Schneiderman actually sees the office he seeks…

…Schneiderman appears barely aware of the duties of the job he seeks. Its Bureau of Charities actually regulates nonprofits like the House of Justice. And a check with the AG’s office reveals that NAN has yet to file its 2009 tax forms and financial statements. In May, it got an extension to file until August 15. But it’s missed that date too. Just today NAN requested another extension until November 15. So the organization with a prospective annex in Schneiderman’s office is extending…defiant…in the direction of the same office, and Schneiderman is so oblivious to his potential oversight responsibilities he is giving the House of Justice his own Good Housekeeping seal of approval.

Starting with Bob Abrams a couple of decades ago, New York State attorney generals have been more interested in Sharpton’s possible crimes than his advice.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. #1
    First, b”h you are NOT my sister.
    Second, I get campaign mail from Tea Party Nuts all the time even though I am a registered Democrat. Unfortunately, mass mail programs are blind to political ideaology.

  2. “Yesterday, the ultra-liberal village voice eviscerated Senator Eric Schneiderman…”
    eviscerated, really?
    They took away his vital organs?

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