Obama Demands Removal Of Checkpoints: 4 Dead, 6 Yesomim

Excerpts from Aron Klein / World Net Daily exclusive:

Today’s deadly terror attack that killed four people took place on a road where the Israeli government removed staffed anti-terror checkpoints in line with requests from the Obama administration, WND has learned.

As President Obama was preparing for a Washington summit with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Palestinian terrorists today carried out a shooting attack, killing two Jewish men and two women, one of whom was pregnant.

The attack took place in the same general area where a gunman opened fire on an Israeli police vehicle just outside Hebron in June. A police officer was killed and two others were wounded in that shooting attack. Israeli security officials say the shooting was a planned ambush similar to today’s attack.

Both incidents took place on Route 60, a West Bank road used by Israeli and Palestinian drivers and patrolled by Israel.

In the last year, the Israeli government removed 19 staffed checkpoints in the West Bank. At least 15 of the removed barriers are in the vicinity of Hebron. A spokeperson for the Israel Defense Forces confirmed to WND that in the last year and a half, all roadblocks have been removed from Route 60.

The checkpoints were dismantled in line with demands from the Palestinian Authority that were passed on to Israel by the Obama administration.

George Mitchell, the White House envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically requested that Israel remove roadblocks and checkpoints as a confidence-building gesture to restart talks with the PA, Israeli officials told WND.

Anti-terror roadblocks and checkpoints impede Palestinian movement, but have been credited with stopping scores of attacks.

(Source: World Net Daily)

9 Responses

  1. What’s our peace loving president got to say about this???????????????????????//

    Jewish blood was spilled Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. We’re being cut to pieces for an elusive peace. Removing life-saving Checkpoints to build confidence for these Rotzchim? How about confidence building measures for us?

    Give, Give, and give some more. Freeze construction, freeze life, just freeze Yidden and wait to die.

    How much more precious Jewish blood has to be spilled and at what point before Bibi all the other feckless Israeli politicians show spine and guts and say NO!

  3. Well, leave it to Hussein Obama. He’s not to blame for anything that goes wrong – economy, deficit, Israel, Afghanistan etc. However, on the thing he made no policy change (other than signing in Bush’s timeframe) – Iraq, he takes the credit.

    Same here: All this is because of Bush’s policy in the Middle East. The Muslim world is still upset at how America treated them under the previous administration. Those terrorists were trained prior to Obama’s presidency, so it doesn’t really count. Israel first has to make concessions, return to the 1948 borders, give right of return to the Palestinians, and wait till the previous oppressed generation dies out. He understands that till that new (peaceful) [independent] generation comes around much casualties and attacks will take place, but as he always says: peace comes with a heavy price. He’s simply treating Israel as a good friend…

  4. i have a novel suggestion. how about if the ARABS make some good will gestures- release a prisoner, stop the rockets, stop the violence. those are all signs of good will.

  5. You’re blaming the wrong Barak. The real blame lies with Bibi and EHUD Barak for allowing this to happen…..The blood is on THEIR heads.

  6. Hey Dave….
    Were you paid by Hamas or some left wing group to say those things? It’s very clear that none of the Arabs want peace. Pieces yes, peace…never. The real reason for all of the trouble is that Israel doesn’t treat these “Palestinians” like any normal country would treat them. Imagine if Canadians in our midst would threaten and carry out attacks on US soil. All the Canadians would be living above the Arctic Circle if they were lucky. Same here: they need to leave and the sooner they are out, the better. I am not some right wing radical either. I would love for there to be peace in the middle East. But let’s be real here. It’s not happening unless we do what we have to do. Am Echad! May we see Moshiach very, very soon!

  7. Barry Hussein Obama, is a Kenyan muslim born in Canada. A community organizing 1 yr. senator who has spent more in 18 months than Bush did in 8 years. A clown who kisses Muslim dictators and communists,then bad mouths America. A fraud who studied the Koran in Indonesia,then listened to a racist preacher(“Rev” Wright) for YEARS. That pic. of him saluting , is as laughable as wuusy liberal moonbat/hypocrite Dukakis in that tank picture years ago. A free-loader ,who would have run back to Canada or Kenya if he had to serve America. His “father” abandoned him as a child,was a chronic drinker,married and beat numerous wives,then abandoned them and the kids. It was his white grandparents who had to raise Barry. Good riddance in 2012,when unemployment will probably be at 25%

  8. Forget about yeshuos from ANY American president.
    Forget about yeshuos from ANY Israeli prime minister.


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