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Lakewood: Yeshiva Bais Hatorah Which Closed 2 Weeks Ago, To Reopen Under New Leadership

Yeshivah Bais Hatorah which suddenly closed two weeks ago due to financial hardships, will be reopening under a new leadership. The Yeshivah has been taken over by Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek Shlita and will be basically running on the same Derech Halimud, with slight modifications.

On Wednesday, a meeting will be held for parents who wish to remain with the previous Derech Halimud without the modifications, and will have the opportunity to join a second school ran by the previous directors – Rabbi Luria and Rabbi Klein – of Bais Hatorah.

The Menahel of the Bais Hatorah school will be Rabbi Yaakov Landesman Shlita and Rabbi Efraim Shraga Shain Shlita will be the Curriculum Director.

(YWN Lakewood / TLS)

5 Responses

  1. Seems like there was more to the story than just “financial hardships”.
    1) How do “financial hardships” get resolved by offering a new derech halimud?
    2) How will the “previous directors” prevent more “financial hardships” at the yeshiva they will be running?

    A smart man once said “If you want to be a real marbitz torah – open a yeshiva with a partner – in a matter of time there will be two yeshivos”

  2. I once heard from Rabbi Leibel Rabinowitz z’l, the controller of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, that yeshivos don’t close for lack of funds. They close for lack of students. Obviously there’s more to this story of this yeshivo’s “lack of funds”. And #1’s smart man was actually a billiant sage. So true.

  3. I don’t get it. If there was a lack of funds to run the one yeshiva how can there be enough money now to run two? So what’s up with the lies and secrecy to the public. Do they think people will be forthcoming with donations to yeshivos after this big slap in the face to all?

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