Kiryas Joel Posts ‘Tznius’ Signs For Visitors

The following is from the Times Herald Record:

A large new sign greets visitors as they cross over Route 17 on Forest Avenue and enter a world where the skirts and shirt sleeves are always long, regardless of the season.

“Welcome to Kiryas Joel,” it reads. “In keeping with our traditions and religious customs, we kindly ask that you dress and behave in a modest way while visiting our community.”

The main congregation in this community of 22,000 Satmar Hasidim recently posted identical notices near two village entrances to ask outsiders to respect their ways while visiting, which includes “covered necklines,” “appropriate language” and “gender separation in all public areas.”

The wording is polite, and there is no threat of enforcement.

But even so, passers-by who have spotted the sign near County Route 105 and Bakertown Road in Monroe have taken umbrage at what they see as an expectation to conform to one group’s religious beliefs and dress codes in a public place.

“I know it’s a request, and it certainly was a polite request,” said James Murphy of Highland Mills. “But it puts me in an uncomfortable position. Why should it bother you what I’m wearing?”

David Ekstein, president of Congregation Yetev Lev, says the signs were meant to guide outsiders so they don’t offend village residents, especially during the summer. No single incident or spate of visitors with objectionable clothing triggered them, he said.

“If our standards of modesty are not what is practiced in the surrounding communities, then it is even more incumbent to provide this polite reminder,” he said.

(Source: Times Herald Record)

8 Responses

  1. what a beautiful thing!!

    This is such a kiddush hashem , to proclaim to all people (jewish & non-jewish) we would appreiciate if you would assist us in letting us live and raise our children according to our age-old tradition & culture.

    It is not a threat.
    It is not a warning.

    It is a respectful request, so what is so terrible about this.

    Dave Hirsch is nebach so off base, that its futile to respond to his hateful comment…

  2. As long as they don’t start spraying bleach on “offenders”, I don’t see any reason why people should object to a politely worded sign.

  3. We get so confortable in galous that we forget that we are all gerim in this country like we were in egypt, germany, poland. Some communities just believe they own the place. Sorry to say but if the note offends the immoral ppl around then it should be taken down. I dont see any kiddush hashem here, sorry.

  4. To Dave Hirsch (no. 1):

    It’s just before Rosh Hashonnah, and this is an especially-bad time to practice your intolerance of Satmar Chassidim.

    In this degenerate world that we live in today, it is appropriate for a Kehillah kedosha, like Kiryas Joel, to do everything possible to shield their children from Tumah. Shmeras Ha’ayin is an important Jewish value, discussed in all Mussar and Chassidic seforim.

  5. #4

    “Sorry to say but if the note offends the immoral ppl around then it should be taken down. I dont see any kiddush hashem here, sorry.”

    you takeh should be sorry to write such a sorrowful comment…..

  6. #1,3.4 first, what ,hisgarus beimous, if i ask something very politely? second, just for arguments sake, assuming your a ben torah ,a yiras shomayim and you wouldnt want you or your family to be exposed to indecent sights, what would you do if a few women started walking around bikinie clad in your neighborhood?

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