Teens Lynched American Man In Jerusalem Over Cigarette

The following is from Ynet:

Two residents of Jerusalem, aged 13 and 15, are suspected of beating a 60-year old American Jew to death in the city center a week ago, police said Tuesday.

The man, Lance Wolf, was hospitalized and died of his wounds a few days after the attack.

A preliminary investigation suggests that the motive for the beating was the man’s refusal to give the boys a cigarette when they demanded it of him after having become inebriated at a friend’s birthday party.

The attack occurred last Wednesday. Police say the two teens approached an adult at the site and asked him to purchase alcoholic beverages for them. He agreed, and bought them a bottle of vodka. Later they approached Wolf, asking for a cigarette, and he refused.

The teens told police that Wolf “was insolent and cursed”, and that they decided to take revenge by beating him with a wooden plank they found nearby. The beating was caught on film by a security camera , which also recorded the assailants’ flight along with three witnesses who had stood by as Wolf was beaten.

The 60-year old man lay bleeding while passersby did nothing, and rescue forces were alerted only after 50 minutes had gone by. Wolf was then taken by paramedics to Hadassah Ein Kerem, where he eventually died of his wounds.

Police say that if paramedics had gotten to him sooner, he probably would have lived.

The two teens were arrested last Thursday at their homes in a northern neighborhood of the capital, but the a gag order was imposed on the case until an indictment could be filed against them.

The victim is an American-born man whose children live in the US. At first police could find no identification on him and assumed he was homeless, but later he was found to have lived for close to two years in Jerusalem. His family has been notified.

(Read More: Ynet)

17 Responses

  1. “Lynch” implies a political motive. The murdered were clearly not fanatical Muslims (based on their preference for alcoholic beverages). More likely they were common criminals.

  2. This is one of the most sickening stories I have ever read. Shades of Kitty Genovese…how could people watch & do nothing? They should be indicted as well. I hope these animals spend the rest of their lives (till 120) in jail.

  3. This is a very strange story. It is not the derech of Israelis to stand by and watch something like this happen.
    Does anyone know what time of day or night it occurred???

  4. not to minimize on the tragedy, but to be honest, if he had never agreed to buy these underage children alcohol in the first place, they would probably never have had any reason to bug him later; there would not have been any familiarity.

  5. #12

    If you read the article carefully, you will notice it was another adult that had purchased the alcohol for these teens. It was not the murder victim who did so.


  6. It amazes me how when its a frum yid who commits a crime, Yeshivaworld never misses an opportunity to blaze “CHAREIDI” in the headlines but lehavdil when two arab teens kills one of us, nothing is mentioned.

  7. From the story it sounds like it happened in town. I’m not sure why nobody called the cops but on wednesday night it is kind of empty over there and those who passed might have thought he was a drunk sleeping it off. My friends have been badly beaten for not giving a cigarette by Israeli punks (shabobniks). Usually they are drunk and just looking for an excuse to fight.

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