PM’s Office: Rabbi Yosef’s Comments Do Not Reflect Government’s Stance

Following Rabbi Yosef’s controversial remarks against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement saying, “These comments do not reflect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or the Israeli government’s stance.”

As was reported here last night, Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef denounced upcoming peace talks with the Palestinians, which are set to start September 2 in Washington, and called for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to “perish from this world.”

“Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this world,” Rabbi Ovadia was quoted as saying during his weekly sermon at a synagogue near his Jerusalem home. “God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians.”

The Shas spiritual leader also called the Palestinians “evil, bitter enemies of Israel” during his speech, which is not the rabbi’s first sermon to spark controversy.

The Prime Minister’s statement also said, “Israel is engaging in negotiations out of a desire to reach an agreement with the Palestinian, which will put an end to the conflict and guarantee peace, security, and good neighborly relations between the two nations.”

(Source: Ynet)

8 Responses

  1. BS”D

    Of course not. The government’s stance is that those who should be cursed are those who oppose slicing up the land of Israel, especially on “religious” grounds.

  2. Rav Ovadiah is a tzaddik., but this statement is totally out of character.
    What would the comment be if an Imam called for the death of Netanyahu?

  3. kosherkid – So you think “the people” want to annihilate the Palestinians? Like das volk wanted to annihilate us? Exactly how would you go about this, oh spokesman for “the people?”

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