Arson Reported At Tennessee Mosque Construction Site

Federal agents have been called in after someone poured flammable liquid on four pieces of construction equipment early today at the site of a planned new Islamic center and mosque just outside Murfreesboro.

A CBS television affiliate is reporting that it is being investigated as arson.

Carmie Ayash, a spokeswoman for the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, said the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department was contacted around 1:30 a.m. by someone who had seen the fire.

Ayash said the vandalism at the site “takes it to a whole new level.” A sign on the property, off Bradyville Pike just southeast of Murfreesboro, has been damaged twice by vandals.

“Everyone in our community no longer feels safe,” she said. “To set a fire that could have blown up equipment and, God forbid, spread and caused damage to the neighbors there … we really feel like this is something that we and the neighbors don’t deserve.

The center is planned offer a new place of prayer to replace the office suite that 250 local Muslim families have been using in a nearby office building.

Hundreds of opponents to the new center packed a Rutherford County Commission meeting in mid-June to protest the Murfreesboro mosque. And when supporters of the Murfreesboro mosque held a vigil June 24 at the Rutherford County Courthouse, mosque opponents showed up.

(Source: USA Today)

2 Responses

  1. I don’t recall these Muslims screaming how reprehensible the 9/11 attacks were. when something is done to them oh boy do they know how to talk loud, seems to me that they support terror against everyone else but themselves

  2. dear eric55 and all those who would like to post some similar sentiment.i am sure that i do not need to remind anyone of the horrors we faced during events such as kristalnacht when our shuls were reduced to cinders. i am not saying that anyone is not entitled to their own oppinions or beliefs, but we are almost at rosh hashana and yom kipper. if you do not want to see the above event in a sympathetic way, than at least as a “test” to keep your comments clean and respectful to all. it will make your shmiras halason to and about your fellow yid easier.

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