NYSP Troop T Announce ‘Operation Summer Brake’

The New York State Thruway Authority and State Police Troop T today announced that “Operation Summer Brake” will take place Monday, August 30, 2010, and continue through Labor Day, Monday, September 6. The initiative targets prevention of crash-causing behavior including aggressive driving, speeding and DWI.

“As summer winds down, motorists and their families are returning to school and work after their last vacation before Labor Day. Through “Operation Summer Brake,” the Authority encourages motorists to be alert on the roads, obey posted speed limits, drive responsibly, and shed all distractions for a safe trip to their destination,” said Thruway Authority Executive Director Michael R. Fleischer. “Although everyone is enthusiastic about getting to where they want to go, motorists are reminded to drive safely on the busy holiday weekend.”

From Monday, August 30 through Monday, September 6, “Operation Summer Brake,” Members of Troop T will be out in full force along the Thruway System.

“Throughout the initiative, the dedicated members of Troop T will not only be watching for those who are speeding, driving aggressively, or intoxicated, but they will also be conducting seatbelt checks,” said State Police Troop Major Robert C. Meyers. “Labor Day, the last holiday of the summer season, usually leads to higher traffic volume on the Thruway, and Troop T and the Authority make it their business to help motorists get to their destinations safely.”

Statistics indicate that 2009 was the safest year in the Thruway’s 56-year history. A primary measure of safety is the fatality rate, which is calculated as the number of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles (MVM) traveled. In 2009, there were 26 fatal accidents on the Thruway resulting in 27 deaths, reflecting a fatality rate of 0.27, the lowest rate in Thruway history.

“The Authority is committed to maintaining the Thruway’s excellent safety record,” added Fleischer. “The Authority and State Police Troop T will continue with enforcement efforts and education to improve seat belt compliance, and slow down aggressive behavior and distractions.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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