Gedolei Eretz Yisroel to be Featured at Irgun Shiurai Torah Event

Imagine having the zechus of visiting HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman, Shlita, and HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, Shlita, all in one evening! Imagine being able to listen to their responses to forty crucial questions that are significant for all of us to hear! Even those who travel to Eretz Yisroel regularly and are well connected are rarely able to spend such precious quality time with these Gedolei Hador. And yet the opportunity is being presented to all the men in our community this Wednesday evening — and we don’t even have to leave Brooklyn!

This Wednesday, August 18th, Irgun Shiurai Torah will host its 9th Annual Summer Dinner Event at Young Israel of Avenue K (corner East 29th Street) at 7:00 PM. This is the very same Irgun that organizes thousands of seminars, lectures, shiurim, and classes all over the world. It’s responsible for the annual summer evening shiurim, the Bein Hazmanim program held in six different locations, the Worldwide Shovavim Taharas Hamishpacha project, and so much more. All told, hundreds of thousands of yidden have participated in these programs and over one million hours of Torah learning has been generated thus far! We can honestly say that Irgun Shiurai Torah is changing the face of Torah Judaism worldwide.

On Wednesday night, HaRav Mattisyahu Solomon, Shlita, Lakewood Mashgiach, will be keynote speaker on the topic of “Gearing Up For Chodesh Elul”. Rabbi Shmuel Dishon, Shlita, and Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, shlita, will offer divrei bracha. Classic Caterers will present a wonderful hot buffet. Ari Parnes and Reuven Wolf will serve as Dinner Chairmen.

But the ultimate experience of the evening will certainly be the presentation of Gedolei Eretz Yisroel. It’s not often that we get to see da’as Torah in action, but Irgun Shiurai Torah will provide us with an insider’s view. This is a unique opportunity you just can’t afford to miss.

Join Irgun Shiurai Torah on Wednesday evening and become a part of something big.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I leave in England, i.e. far from both the featured Gedolim and the venue of this great event.

    Any chance to view it from my place ?

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