Weiner Writes Letter To AG Eric Holder: Urges Full & Immediate Investigation Of Allegations Of Impropriety & Unfairness In Rubashkin Case

Following up on the serious concerns he raised at the Agudath Israel national mission to Washington DC two weeks ago, in regards to the prosecution of the Rubashkin case, Congressman Anthony Weiner (NY) has sent a 2 page letter to AG Eric Holder giving official voice to the deep anguish and concerns of the Jewish community.

Weiner,a member of the Judiciary Committee, is the first of what activists hope are many high ranking public officials to call into question the actual sentencing and allegations of judicial misconduct on the part of Federal Judge Linda Read. Weiner in urging the Attorney General and the department of Justice to review the case, is the first official to call for such an investigation.

The case which has legal experts including six former US Attorney’s General disturbed, is now gaining more attention nationally.

Asked to comment on the Weiner letter, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel executive Vice President Agudath Israel of America stated,Congressman Weiner’s letter is cogent, compelling and courageous. Zwiebel continued, the letter points out, correctly, that there is much in how this case has been handled that raises serious questions about overzealous prosecutorial tactics and perhaps even improper judicial conduct. The community’s confidence in the impartial pursuit and administration of justice has been severely shaken. As Congressman Weiner suggests, it would behoove Attorney General Holder to take a personal interest in this extremely troubling case.

Click HERE to read the letter written by Anthony Weiner.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. He was the only “Jewish” Democrat that had NOT signed onto the letter bashing Rubashkin.

    However, he is very scared of a Republican challenger because of his vote in favor of Obamacare.

  2. where is “outspoken on every important issue” Sen. Chuck Shumer who is on the Senate Judiciary Committee???!!!

  3. When I wonder how this pey tzadik has had the zchusim he has despite being an oysvorf, he comes up with something like this to have me understand.

  4. Whether his feelings are honest or not, does not matter in my opinion… A politician ideally serves to represent his constituency’s interests. Representive Weiner should be applauded for his act. This is not a stam “I support Israel” so I am therefore a friend of the Jews. This is a specific issue with a lot of heartfelt backing in the Frum velt. It shows Representive Weiner pays heed to our community and is not to busy to actively support our issues. I think he deserves some letters of approval.

    Shkoiach Congressman,

  5. To “your sister”
    Wiener is not Jewish. His father was and that’s about it. He favors Israel politically. His constituents need to know that. His liberal anti-jewish outlook on life is not shared by us religious jews and we could use a more “conservative” representative.
    Besides, it took him too long to get into the frey about Rubashkin.
    Vote him out.

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