WH Releases Obama’s Passport; Blurs Dates Of Issuance, Expiration

Here’s something new for the birthers to chew over: President Barack Obama’s passport. Says he was born in Hawaii! But the White House has strategically fuzzed out certain data, so the mystery continues.

Now, it’s his official passport, which means it’s new, so the true believers will not be persuaded. Not that they ever would.

(Click on image to enlarge it)

(Josh Gerstein – Politico)

13 Responses

  1. again the yeshivaworld.com chooses to print the most silly articles instead of articles that actually contain content

  2. And they probably don’t print his social security or drivers license number. I’m surprised they released any of it. State Department employees get fired for releasing any passport data.

    Also, he only travels on his personal passport if he takes an overseas vacation. Otherwise he’ll have a diplomatic or official passport, rather than a personal passport.

  3. Where is his birth certificate? Not his Certificate of Live Birth or his passport.

    I’m not saying that I think he was born outside of the country I just think that someone is trying to hide something. What kind of private information is on a birth certificate anyway that isn’t readily available on the Internet for a person like the President of the United States?

  4. Look, it isn’t easy to do a passport. It takes a lot of skilled work. I would have put in the missing info, but I couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone in the WH.

  5. akuperma, you intentionally miss the point. If the White House released it it means that Obama has permitted it’s release with a very real difference; blurring out his birthplace. So, it really doesn’t solve the controversy.

  6. #6. It is the date of issue and expiration date which is censored. Not place of birth. Reading the article and/or looking at the picture would prove that.

  7. There is no controversy. NO ONE claims his mother was an alien, so even if he was born abroad with an alien father, he would still have been “natural born” (it doesn’t say “native”), the opposite of which is “naturalized”. BTW, under the pre-world war II law (women lost American citizenship if married to an alien and assume his citizenship), he would still have been a “natural born” citizen since his mother’s marriage was voidable since the father was probably already married to someone else.

    LIke it or not, the nativists will have to put with the fact the US has a president who is only half-WASP (in all fairness, Reagan was only half-WASP, and Kennedy was even a bit WASP). Maybe next time they’ll elect a president who isn’t even from good British Christian stock.

    Obama may be incompetent, but no matter how you look at it he’s a natural born citizen, and he’s our country’s president.

  8. I agree with #10… prove it. If they asked you or me, we’d have to PROVE it… what makes him so different than us as American citizen’s? I mean a closet muslim could also be a closet Kenyan.

  9. No one says that he wasn’t born in the US. At age 4 when he moved back to his father in Kenya he revoked his US citizenship ( as per the Kenya law at that time). When he moved back to his Mom he became a citizen again. That is the problem.

  10. This article shows that 20% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim despite that the entire time Obama hasbeen alive his father was always an atheist and his mother was always an atheist ( born an American born white christian) and there isnt even a single claim of anyone that obama ever practiced islam, instead, being an atheist until after he left harvard law school with his wife and joined the largest most popular mostly black christian church in Chicago.
    This is in line with 30% of new yorkers in one poll, and 28% in another poll, not believing the developers have a right to build the mosque.
    This reminds me that Americans in the 40 + percentile who were polled in 2004 and 2007 by an established U.S. poll found that about 43% of Americans believed that America found WMD when GW Bush invaded Iraq in 2003.
    That goes in line with the consistent polls that 40% or so of Americans think Obama wasn’t born in the United States. That’s in line with the approximately 50 % of Americans polled this year – 2010- thought Obama was the president under whom TARP was passed to bail out Wall Street.
    Since all these numbers are overwhelmingly Republicans it means that republican voters are overwhelmingly more tsufloygen than non republican voters.
    Almost 1/2 of Americans are beyond Tsufloygen.

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