Dr. Laura To End Her Radio Show: Under-Fire For Using ‘N-Word’

Embattled radio talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced Tuesday she will not renew her contract that is up at the end of the year, telling CNN’s “Larry King Live” she wants to “regain my First Amendment rights.”

Schlessinger, 63, has been under fire for using the N-word repeatedly during an on-air conversation with a caller last week.

In announcing her decision “not to do radio anymore” after being in the business for more than 30 years, Schlessinger said, “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry or some special-interest group deciding this is a time to silence a voice of dissent.”

National furor erupted when Schlessinger used the N-word 11 times in five minutes during a call August 10 with an African-American caller who was seeking advice on how to deal with racist comments from her white husband’s friends and relatives. The conversation evolved into a discussion on whether it’s appropriate to ever use the word, with Schlessinger arguing it’s used on HBO and by black comedians.

Schlessinger apologized the following day, saying “I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the N-word all the way out — more than one time. And that was wrong. I’ll say it again — that was wrong.”

While Schlessinger told King on Tuesday that she was still “regretful” over the incident, she said she feels her freedom of speech rights “have been usurped by angry, hateful groups who don’t want to debate — they want to eliminate.”

“I decided it was time to move on to other venues where I could say my peace and not have to live in fear anymore,” she said.

Schlessinger plans to expand her internet presence with her website.

“I’m not retiring. I’m not quitting,” she said. “I feel energized actually, stronger and freer to say the things that I believe need to be said for people in this country.”

(Source: CNN)

8 Responses

  1. A Giyores that announced publicly on radio that she’s trashing the religion. Perhaps it was time for Teshuva and in private with more time for herself she can focus more on Yiddishkeit, hopefully. However the moral community will be losing it’s spokesperson with her departure. An extremely popular radio-host (once came in second after Rush Limbaugh) with a witty and sharp tongue against immorality. It is very appalling though, that there’s a double standard when it comes to racism. Harry Reid and Joe Biden may say everything (and they’re public officials!) while a conservative person gets labeled racist so easily up to losing her job (in the private sector). So the rules of race go something like this: a black person may do (up to intimidating voters) and say (crackers?) anything. A white liberal might make the news for a minute after being a racist and if unfortunate may be used against him in political ads but will be worthless. A conservative or Republican however is a racist and will be forced to resign. I note with irony that they got freed from slavery by none other than Abraham Lincoln – the first Republican president in the nation. Can you imagine if he would just utter the ‘N’ word during his term, they would all still be doing forced labor…

  2. She’s a very confused individual. She needs to take time out to get her head straight and make up hermind whether she’s a Giyores or not.

    I predict she’ll be back–soon.

  3. Any of you remember “hymie town?” We weren’t so forgiving then – and we probably wouldn’t if a gentile radio host slipped in “kike” 11 times in 5 minutes. And Mr. Wheelchair, saying “N-word,” rather than actually using the n-word, would have gotten her message across just fine.

  4. #1–some people are in fact racists, including among conseravtives; in this case I think she was just dumb, good riddance to this phony giyores

  5. To all you people before me,

    You didn’t bother to LISTEN to what she said. You didn’t bother to LISTEN to the caller & what the issue was but instead you make comments that are from the posterior.

    A black (can we use that word?) lady called saying that she had a problem with her WHITE husband’s family since they used the OH MY GOSH ‘n-word.’ Dr Laura tried understanding how someone could put herself in a situation of a ‘mixed marriage a be upset about the word. Dr Laura said if she wanted to stay in such a relationship she had to grow used to it & so she tried helping this lady.

    I don’t blame Dr Laura at all. The problem is we have the goody two shoe holier than thou sound clip liberals out there who don’t listen to these shows go and stir up trouble in the wrong places.

    There IS a double standard out there since a liberal could get away with saying anything including how Obama is intelligent because he can turn on & off that negro dialect of his (thank you harry reid).

  6. In my 50+ years on this world, I have never heard a Jew, self-respecting or otherwise, refer to Jews as kikes. On the other hand, one can hardly walk down the street today without hearing blacks refer to themselves using this word.

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