Swastikas Found On Cars In Baltimore’s Jewish Community

Baltimore City police are investigating several acts of vandalism in northeast Baltimore last weekend in which swastikas and other messages were spray-painted onto cars, said a police spokesman.

Cars were tagged on Swarthmore Avenue, Clarinth Road and Labyrinth Road between late Friday night and early Saturday morning, said Kevin Brown, the spokesman.

In the 2800 block of W. Strathmore Ave., a swastika was spray-painted on a vehicle, along with the phrase “IH8U,” while an expletive was found on the side of another vehicle in the same block. A third vehicle was keyed a block away, Brown said.

Swastikas and “Hitler” were painted on two vehicles in the 3900 block of Labyrinth Road and the 3700 block of Clarinth Road, Brown said.

(Source: Baltimore Sun)

2 Responses

  1. My family was in Baltimore for Shabbos. We were staying on Posted Paint Road. Sunday morning, as we were preparing to leave, we noticed that our tire was torn in two places. We are not sure I it was slashed. It didn’t look like it was an accident.
    B”H, Chaverim of Baltimore is excellent and they came to our assistance! Thanks guys, your awesome!!! And Mazel Tov to one of you! Enjoy your dry wedding and may you be zoche to build a Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisroel!!!

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