Report: Paterson, WTC Mosque Imam To Meet

Gov. Paterson will reportedly meet with the imam and developer of the proposed Ground Zero mosque later this week to discuss the possibility of re-locating to an “alternate location.”

Rep. Peter King (R-LI), an outspoken critic of the mosque, spoke with Paterson this morning about having a meeting with imam and developer Feisal Abdul Rauf to discuss finding a new location for the house of worship and Islamic center, The Washington Post reported.

“We are working with the developers on a staff level but there have not been any formal discussions between the Governor and Imam or developer,” said Morgan Hook, a spokesman for Paterson. “However, we expect to have a meeting scheduled in the near future.”

The Israeli daily Haartez reported Monday that Muslim leaders appeared to back down on the controversial proposal, agreeing to move to a new site.

The newspaper cited sources that Muslim religious and business leaders will announce plans to abandon the project sometime in the next few days.

When asked whether the meeting would take place, Sharif El-Gamal of Soho Properties, which owns the building in which the mosque and cultural center will be built, said, “No. No. No.”

Last week, Paterson offered to provide the developers with public land as an alternate location for the proposed site, but was rebuffed by the project’s developers.

(Read More: NY Post)

One Response

  1. This Imam nor the owner of the property are interested in dialogue. They are just interested in building their mosque as a way of insulting New Yorkers, declaring victory over the infidels, and what I think is much worse, a step closer in kicking the Jews out of New York so what the Iranians will be more efficient, chas v’shalom!!!!

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