7 People Struck By Car In Lakewood [UPDATED 10:50PM EST]

10:30PM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah are on the scene in front of the Capital Hotel, Madison Avenue & 7th Street, with numerous patients struck by a vehicle.

UPDATE10:45PM EST: TLS tells YWN that a vehicle struck at least 7 people as they were boarding the Lakewood Bus heading to Brooklyn. Numerous ALS & BLS Hatzolah Units are treating the injured.

UPDATE 10:50PM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah is transporting the patients to hospitals – some to the Jersey Shore Trauma Center.

All patients are reportedly in stable condition.

The Lakewood Police Department is on the scene and will be conducting an accident investigation

Further details to follow.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / TLS)

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