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Air Force Two Knocks Over Plane, Biden Uninjured

According to the AP, Joe Biden’s “Air Force Two” was been involved in a minor incident at Francis S. Gabreski Airport, in Long Island.

The report quotes a US Air Force spokesperson who says that a private aircraft was knocked over by the “jet wash” from Air Force 2 as it prepared to take off.

The private aircraft, who left wing was damaged, was reported to be a Piper Cub.

There was no one on board the aircraft, and there were no injuries aboard Air Force 2.

Biden is no stranger to incidents involving his travelling around. Just one week ago two NYPD motorcycles in his motorcade were involved in an accident while escorting the VP to JFK Airport. Both officers were taken to the hospital.

Biden’s motorcade has been involved in numerous accidents since being elected as VP.

Here is a list of some other incidents as reported by YWN:

One of them was in February of this year, as the motorcade was leaving Vancouver, B.C.

Prior to that, the NYPD was involved in an MVA in November of 2009, on 49th Street & 10th Avenue in Manhattan.

In November of 2009, a pedestrian was killed after a crash involving the vice president’s motorcade in Washington, DC.

And also in November of 2009 a sheriff’s deputy was injured in an incident involving Biden’s motorcade in Albuquerque, N.M.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. As if there wasn’t enough fodder for the late night comics already. Can we pass a law to lock this guy up until the term is up?

  2. Please tell me where his motorcade or plane or any other means of transportation Biden uses is at what given time so I can be sure to stay FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR away. This guy is accident prone !!!!

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