Bloomberg: Rangel Has Done A Lot For City, Nation

Congressman Charles Rangel is talking tough in the face of ethics charges.

While speaking at an event Thursday in Morningside Heights, the embattled Harlem lawmaker says he will not bow to fellow Democrats who are pressuring him to settle the case.

“If you wanna give me a deal, lets give me a deal based on the facts. But don’t give me a deal based on what makes you feel comfortable, so you can threaten. But when you know you have the facts and your people and your community behind you, it means that I don’t expect to have another bad day since November 30, 1950,” Rangel said.

The 20-term Democrat also responded for the first time to comments made by President Barack Obama in which the president said Rangel is at the end of his career.

“I don’t know why the president of these great United States would say something like that, I guess he believes that 80 is old,” Rangel said.

Later in the day, Rangel even got a boost from Mayor Michael Bloomberg who praised him for his service over the years.

“He is a great guy. He has done an awful lot for this country, for this state, and particularly for New York City,” said the mayor.

The mayor, who made the remarks at an event at Gracie Mansion, is expected to attend Rangel’s big birthday fundraiser next week.

Rangel faces 13 ethics violations connected to his use of multiple rent-stabilized apartments, his financial disclosure reports and fundraising he did for a City College center named after him.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. I never thought of Bloomberg as a radical liberal. He has now backed a mosque that most believe doesn’t belong at ground zero, and now he’s backing a Politician who has stolen from the American people. Someone should give Bloomberg a wake up call. I live in NYC, but I have no problem moving to Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania.

  2. Most of New York’s politicians have done a lot for the city (and that includes the frum ones) – if by a “lot” you mean getting all sorts of welfare and favors.

    What Mr. Bloomberg should know is that it would have been better if they did more to get jobs and industries (which their “nanny state” laws and high taxes scare away). A city lives on its economy, not its schnorring.

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