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Rule: Don’t Bother Rahm Emanuel At Temple

The sacred rule at Agudas Achim temple near Washington, DC, is, don’t talk to Rahm Emanuel.

President Obama’s chief of staff is a longtime member of the congregation, where Rabbi Jack Moline keeps Emanuel close to the vest.

The whisper is that he doesn’t want to be bothered about politics. “People there understand that he’s a public figure and to leave him alone,” we’re told. Moline said, “When people come to temple, especially on the Sabbath, they know that work is not a topic of discussion. Some people come here to be social and some people come here not to be social.” The White House didn’t respond.

(Source: NY Post)

5 Responses

  1. What we can learn from this story is that there must be reasons to go to temple/shul other than to talk and be social.

  2. We can learn a powerful message even from this meshumed rushe
    Don’t let yourselves get disturbed in shul by anyone for anything turn off your cell phone turn off your pagers and just talk to the melech malchie hamluchim

  3. I daven at this shul and agree with the article that he he is not disturbed by questions or gawkers. Rav Moline is generally liberal on social issues but he often criticizes the administration in his dvar torah.

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