Hatzolah Paramedic Responding To Emergency Detained By Secret Service

6:50PM EST: A Hatzolah Paramedic responding to an emergency in Manhattan, was detained and searched by the US Secret Service, YWN has learned.

The Hatzolah volunteer, who is a member of the Queens Division of Hatzolah, was in Manhattan when members requested Paramedics to the scene of a call. He was dispatched, and started proceeding with his vehicle to the emergency with lights and sirens blaring.

Traffic was heavy, and he arrived at an intersection with a heavy police presence who were not allowing any vehicles to proceed any further. He soon realized that he was at the beginning of the highly secure “frozen zone”, established by the US Secret Service and the NYPD to protect President Obama who is visiting Manhattan today.

According to reliable sources, the NYPD checked his credentials, and waved him through – only to be stopped just moments later by Secret Service agents.

He was unable to proceed to the call, and our sources tell us that the Bomb Squad went through his vehicle with a “fine comb” while he was interrogated by the Secret Service and FBI.

After close to two hours, and the involvement of Community Liaisons, and Hatzolah Coordinators, he was allowed to leave with his vehicle.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. Just one of our daily reminders that we’re in Galus. Hatzolah members suffer quite often while attempting Hatzolas Nefoshos with real mesiras nefesh. Tizku l’mitzvos, and don’t let the stumbling blocks stop you in any way from the avodas hakodesh that you do.

  2. And the patient??
    Probably a Republican, so the Secret Service didn’t care.
    Had the patient been an illegal (from say, Arizona), they would’ve whisked the member right through to the patient!

  3. it is still loshen hora and/or motzei shem ra even if it isnt a jew ppl. see your comments there is no reason for them

  4. Mr. Obama can raise all the gelt he wants even the Democrats have realized who they are dealing with. And iy”h he will lose his majority in both the house and senate. And then in 2012 bye bye Bama!!

  5. 2. John -Stop making a mountain out of a moehill. You make it sound they’re responding to dangerous neighboorhoods, where EMS get shot at. The reason these things happen is lack of coordination between agencies. Responding agencies who have to respond in high secure areas, need to have plans in place before incidents occur. All agencies have to sit down and talk about how to deal with these situations. What happens if there is a terrorist attack ch’vs? All of a sudden you have vollys coming out of the woodwork to help. This represents a logistical problem for the agencies in charge of security. The only way to deal with this is with contingency pre-planning.

  6. For all those who were (are) worried about the patient- Hatzolah does not send only one unit-
    In this case, the Midtown Bus was responding as well with a full crew from Midtown.
    the Midtown crew helped the patient while the Midtown coordinator manned three phones to help out the member pulled over-

  7. #7: There is no issur of loshon hara for a non-jew. That being said, the Chafetz Chaim advises not to speak loshon hara about a non jew – even though it’s not assur, – because one should refrain his/herself from speaking bad about anybody. This will help him/her not to speak even about a Jew

  8. Isn’t motzei shem ra a very specific situation in which a husband makes a very specific allegation about his new wife?

  9. #15:

    Yes, you are referring to the case of “Motzee Shem Ra” described in Chumash. The phrase also is used in the laws of loshon hara to refer to any (negative) statements that are made about someone, which are false.

  10. So just found this via a google search and HAD to comment. So number one. The protection of the president takes precedence over any and every EMS call. Also! I’m guessing this volunteer was in a personal vehicle. Not lettered or identified in anyway. The NYPD has virtually no jurisdiction over protection. What the secret service says goes. No matter what! This person thinking they have the authority to get threw the presidential dead zone is just ignorant. To top it all of I’m SURE and FDNY paramedic bus would have been a closer unit and would not have had to go across manhattan threw a SECRET SERVICE blockade. What a joke!

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