HORRIFIC TRAGEDY: Grandfather & Three Grandchildren Killed In Plane Crash [UPDATED 10:33PM EST]

8:44PM EST: YWN regrets to inform you of a horrific tragedy which is still unfolding.

What we have confirmed is that a grandfather in his 60’s, a resident of Chicago’s Frum community, was flying a private plane in Michigan which crashed, and R”L killed him, and 3 grandchildren – two 17-year-old’s, and one 15-year-old.

A 13-year-old grandson was ejected from the aircraft, and is reportedly in critical condition.

Airport officials say the plane was taking off just after 5:10 p.m. when it crashed 100 feet off the end of the runway and immediately burst into flames.  There may have been 4 to 6 people on board.

The Misaskim organization is heavily involved in this incident, working closely with the NTSB and local authorities to ensure proper Kavos Haniftar is given. Additionally, they are in contact with the Israeli Consulate, and the ZAKA Organization in Eretz Yisroel.

UPDATE 8:58PM EST: Please be Mispallel for Nesanel Yosef ben Simcha Sima.

UPDATE 9:35PM EST: We regret to inform you of the Tragic Petira of R’ Moshe Menorah Z”L, a well-known Baal Tzedakah from Chicago’s Frum community. Moshe Menora is survived by his wife Sema, his son Sholom and his daughters Miriam Schreiber and Kelly Klein.

UPDATE 9:43PM EST: Misaskim is working hand-in-hand with the local Chevra Kaddisha, and YWN has learned that the Niftarim will be removed from the scene shortly. The grandchildren are currently visiting from Eretz Yisroel.

UPDATE 10:33PM EST: The grandchildren killed were: Sara Klein A”H (17), Rickie Menorah A”H (17), Racheli Menorah A”H (15).

Further details will be posted pending proper notifications.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

74 Responses

  1. You know what makes me proud at the time of a tragedy. The Achdus that occures at such places. You have two enormous global crises organizations working together on a case, Misaskim and Zaka, yet they give the last word and say to the local Chevra Kadishas. They don’t try to overpower those small and sometimes incapable Chevra Kadishas, they work together and train them on how to handle such uneventful tragedies.
    Mi Keamcha Yisroel… Umi Sheamar L’olamo Dai, Yomar Ltzaaroseinu Dai!

  2. Hashem should comfort the families in their time of loss. I must note that this is what makes the YWN community so amazing. On other sites = they talk about shtusim. On this site = people say tehillim. Tizku Lmitvos.

  3. I just read that this boy has been transferred to the burn unit. If anyone would like to finish another sefer
    I would like if the moderator allows me to leave my email address created for this purpose so it would be easier to keep track. You can send an email to [email protected] and I will respond with the kapitlach.

  4. baruch dayan emes this is a terrible tragedy. Just curious, are the levayos going to be in chicago? And the poor injured child, will he be transferred to a hospital near his parents? What is his current status? I am davening..This is so sad… May he have a reufuah shelaimah.
    How many children were in this family?

  5. How beautiful is Klall Yisroel always rising to the occassion. Klall Yisroel always feels everyones pain.
    All of tehilim May all the neshomos have an Aliyah.
    Let every one heal and become one. May Mossiach come quickly in our day

  6. I can say Tehillim from 119 from Passuk Nun (ner le ragli) to the end of 137 inclusive.
    Boruch Dayan Haaemet! May Nesanael Yosef ben Simcha Sima have a complete refuah shelama be karov!
    May all the family have much nechama and the niftarim A’H should be meilitzim yesharim for all of Klall Yisrael!
    Besurot tovot!

  7. It doesn’t matter if all of them get done either. Whatever is done in the zechus for a refuah sheleima for someone will help in one way or another.

  8. Mi Keamecha Yisrael. The terrible tragedy made me cry tears of sadness and horror but the response here made me cry tears of joy. May this show of Ahavas Yisrael bring Mashiach now, speedily, in our time.

  9. The Levaya for Rikki and Racheli Menora z”l will take place on Friday July
    16th at 9:00am at Eretz Hachaim near Beit Shemesh.

    The Levaya for Sholom’s father Moshe and niece Sara Klein z”l will take
    place at 11:00am at Har Hamenuchot in Jerusalem.

    May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  10. The Levaya and Kevura for Racheli and Rikki Menorah will be approx 9 am Friday in Beit Shemesh Eretz Hachaim Cemetery near Beit Shemesh. The Levaya for Mr. Moshe Menorah and Sara Klein will be at –NOTE CHANGES– approx 11:30 am on Friday at Kehilas Bnei Torah in Har Nof Agasi 5. Kevurah will be at Har Hamenuchos.

    There will be a special communitywide Tehillim session for women in Chicago at KINS at 8 pm Thurs nite for Yossie Menorah, Netanel Yosef ben Simcha Sima Menorah.

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