Obama Taps Orthodox Jew As Director Of The White House Office Of Management & Budget

President Obama today has tapped Jacob Lew as the new director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Jack Lew has been serving to date as the Deputy Secretary of State for Management, but he won’t need much time to prepare for his new, cabinet-level post – Lew served as the last OMB Director of the Clinton Administration.

Jack Lew is also a longtime member of the Orthodox Union community – having been an active member of Congregation Beth Shalom of Potomac and the Riverdale Jewish Center.

We wish him Hatzlacha Rabbah in his new post.

(Source: OU News)

16 Responses

  1. Anyone know of his views on politics? If it is similar to the other jews that Obama has around him…. Hashem Yirachem.

  2. whether frum, not frum, modern, chassidish-he’s a Jew, joining many other Jews in this administration, which puts a dent in those who enjoy calling the President an anti-semite. use a bissel seichel.

  3. rt and charvona, in light of the the attacks this administration has done on our fellow Jews in Israel, it is a very good question as to why a shomer shabbos Jew would want to be a part of the Obama administration. Have you no Jewish pride?

  4. Your Sister, is it at all possible that someone could disagree with your political views and still be a self-respecting Jew?

  5. this is gr8….he’s gonna make the US go down under, put Yidden in all the important posts, and then when it goes down, the whole world (and a bunch of angry US citizens) will be able to blame us and antisemitism will go even more meshuga…C”V…

  6. some_jew, your suggestion that it is just a political disagreement that I have has put Jewish lives in danger in Israel by emboldening the Arabs along with the President condemning Israel from the pulpit at the U.N. The Arabs deny that there has been any historical connection of the Jews to Israel and are currently doing everything in their power to wipe out any type of evidence that Jews ever had a Temple in Jerusalem. You have a remarkable amount of chutzpah to call this a political disagreement.

  7. I ask anyone to name me the last (or any other for that matter) “Director Of The White House Office Of Management & Budget”. Anyone? You would probably have never heard of this post if not for Lew being appointed. So let’s not get carried away….

  8. das bal habyis – sure

    The current one is Peter Orszag. He’s leaving because he (supposedly) disagrees with Obama on key financial decision.

    Oh – and before him was Jim Nussle.

    He’ll be the director of the biggest executive office; being in charge of the budget. You don’t hear about them in the news that often, but they play a MAJOR role in polotics.

  9. Your Sister, arabs don’t need Obama to be emboldened, they do quite well on their own (perhaps you forget several wars to destroy Israel c”v, 9/11, which all took place before he was president)
    because arabs deny anything doesn’t mean Obama does, one has nothing to do with the other.
    what did he say from the lecturn of the UN more than any president has? all want Israel to give up land. In fact, it is my opinion that it was Bush who pushed Sharon to evacuate Gaza to have some good PR for his useless war in Iraq.
    the real problem with many Jews is that we somehow expect US politicians to be more pro-Israel than Israeli politicians! they’re the ones who should be standing up for Israel & not caving in.
    yes, by invoking Israel vis-a-vis this administration in this discussion, you are indeed making it political

  10. this is a pure act of corruption & a trap for all of Klal Yisroel, so now that there is a frum yid in the white house now obama has who to blame for things that go bad. & pure corruption to convince jews that with yidden in the white house i am always with you, when its exactly vice versa, while we as yidden have a mitzva to destroy Amalek, muslims/bnei yishmael have a commandment to destroy jews. Obama is a %100 muslim. WAKE UP & SMELL THE COFFEE & look at whats going on in the world.

  11. What do you people think this is, Belle Epoque France? The guy worked in Clinton’s White House and he managed to make it through that without having an economic crisis pinned on him. And how many Orthodox Jews are getting cabinet positions in Republican administrations? The reductionist thinking that goes on here is frightening…

    Oh, and Mashiach Agent: please define the word “corruption.”

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