AP: George Steinbrenner Dies of Massive Heart Attack

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died this morning after suffering a massive heart attack, the Associated Press reports.

Steinbrenner celebrated his 80th birthday on July 4.

Steinbrenner’s micromanaging on the field and penchant for pursuing high-priced free agents — and later taking a key role in escalating their salaries — earned him a reputation as one of the most controversial figures in sports.

During Steinbrenner’s 37-year ownership of the club, the longest tenure in Bronx Bombers’ history, the Yankees won 7 World Series titles and 11 penants.


(Source: NY1)

31 Responses

  1. #5 and others – I posted when the article said he suffered a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. Baruch Dayan Emes

  2. He was responsible for more bittul torah and bittul zman than anyone else in history. He will not be saved from the ultimate din. Nebach on his neshama.

  3. Yes, #8, he may be the main reason why the Beis HaMikdash has not been rebuilt!
    (Yes, I AM kidding, but I have a feeling you are not! Are we really going to blame this goyish baseball team owner for OUR bitul Torah?!?)

  4. #10, you’re right. #8, I hear you. It’s no accident that the yamim noraim take place during the playoff rush, and that the world series takes place right after the yamim noraim, when we’re supposed to go vaiter in all the teshuva and kapara that we are mikabel during those days. But the emes is, if it wasn’t the Yankees that “caused” the bitul Torah, the yetzer hara would setup something else that would take it’s place. Baseball has only been around for about 100 years. What did he setup to cause the bitul in the 5670 years before baseball? He’s always full of ideas.

  5. i think the reason he didnt hire jewish players, as somebody stated above , was not to give a nisoyon to the individual player for not playing shobbas , yom tov etc…

  6. I bet he prompted more people to pray than most rabbonim. Tight spots in sports bring out the religion in people.

  7. I find it interesting that the Yeshiva World chose to report on the death of George Steinbrenner, but not the petirah of Rav Yehuda Amital who was niftar last week. Interesting observation.

  8. George Steinbrenner & the Yankees have given money – and a very nice amount too! – to yeshivas. I know of this VERY personally.

    As for no Jewish players, there aren’t too many BH however he did have a jewish coach/manager (Howser) as well as a star pitcher with a very fine shomer torah u’mitzvos niece.

  9. David cohen a pitcher who threw a perfect game was a jew & he didn’t wanna pitch on yom kippur in the playoffs

  10. David cohen a pitcher who threw a perfect game was a jew & he didn’t wanna pitch on yom kippur in the playoffs

    David CONE is not Jewish.

    The pitcher who did not want to pitch on Yom Kippur was Sandy Koufax — and he pitched for the Dodgers, not the Yankees. In addition, he retired well before Steinbrenner became involved in major league baseball.

    The Wolf

  11. He didn’t put Jewish players on the team.

    Cherrybim, are you suggesting that he had Jewish players available who were equal or better to the non-Jewish players and that he, personally, ordered his GM not to sign them?

    The Wolf

  12. I guess he is now about to meet the real Boss.
    David Cone is the correct spelling, not a very jewish way to spell it.

  13. DDP – I’m going to guess it’s because I (and probably a lot of other people that read YWN people) heard of Steinbrenner – but not Rav Yehuda Amital.

    OR – Maybe it’s beacuse he was a Zionist Rav – and the Yeshiva World isn’t exactly pro Zionism enough to mention the fact that he died.

    Who know – not me – we’ll never know!

  14. OK, Cherrybim, it’s time for you to put up.

    Please name the professional Jewish ballplayer whom the Yankees did not sign that was better than the players they had on the roster at the time.

    The Wolf

  15. Are you the only one taking this seriously? There are few exceptions, but Jews have not been on top in the sports world, so yes you can’t blame Steinbrenner or anyone else for not hiring Jewish players.

  16. Sorry Yankee fan, but in spite of the media hype, Steinbrenner’s going doesn’t really do anything for me.

  17. I want to be dan lechaf zechus and say that the reason why The Yeshiva World did not report R’ Amital zatzal’s petirah is because (Religious) Zionism is such a controversial area that there would probably be people who will say negative comments about R’ Amital. So even though it definitely is newsworthy (and I’m assuming The Yeshiva World would agree) but to prevent unnecessary loshon hara and motzi sheim ra (especially during Bein HaMetzarim), The Yeshiva World decided not to post the story.

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