9/11 Families Fight Against Ground Zero Mosque

An Islamic organization called the Cordoba House Project wants to spend $100 million to turn the old Burlington Coat Factory building into a community center and mosque. Opponents said that’s just too close to where Muslim terrorists toppled the Twin Towers.

They were planning to pack Tuesday afternoon’s Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing as they want landmark status for the 152-year-old building to stop the project.

One of those expected to testify was Republican candidate for governor Rick Lazio. He called on his Democratic opponent Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to launch an investigation into the mosque.

“Who is behind these investments? What is their purpose?” asked Lazio.

“What are we about if not religious freedom?” Cuomo said.

Cuomo along with Mayor Bloomberg said the mosque had a right to be there. “I’ve said that the government should never, never be in the business of telling people how they should pray,” Bloomberg said.

Angry September 11 families first spoke out in May when Community Board One approved the project.

“I am not a bigot and most of the people in this room are not bigots. I oppose the mosque because it’s in poor taste,” said Lee Hanson, 9-11 relative.

“What better place to teach tolerance than at the very area where hate tried to kill tolerance?” said supporter Jean Grillo.

(Source: WCBSTV)

4 Responses

  1. The very fact that this mosque is from the “Cordoba Project”, tells us that they are NOT about teaching tolerance!
    CORDOBA is a city in Spain from which the moslems were thrown out by the catholics hundreds of years ago. As a result, “Cordoba” has become a rallying cry for moslems for revenge for their defeat and expulsion. They have many schools and other institutions named Cordoba for this reason.
    For them to want to build a mosque in the area of the World Trade Center site is the height of chutzpah, and for the government to allow it, is the height of stupidity!!! It would be spitting on the graves of all those innocents murdered by those yishmaeli savages!!!

  2. I can’t believe that Bloomberg, who’s a jew agreed to allow it to remain. What is he thinking? I hope they don’t go through with the plan.

  3. Bulding a muslum center or what they like to call “it” is a slap in the face for the people the muslums killed at the twin towers the slap in the face should be given to mr blumenberg and the goverment for the chotzpah that they allow to use the buliding as a mosque shame on all off them

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