Tonight – Massive Rubashkin Rally To Be Held In Lakewood

With the support and encouragement of the Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood, a massive gathering will be held in Lake Terrace Hall tonight (Monday), July 12, Rosh Chodesh Av, on behalf of Shalom Mordechai ben Rivka. The Roshei Yeshiva have penned a letter urging the community to attend the asifa, and share in the pain of our suffering brother. At the gathering tehillim will be recited, and prominent advocates on behalf of Sholom Mordechai will provide updates about his situation.

This event, the second one in Lakewood, will be graced by a special guest speaker, addressing the community for the first time. The Honorable Bob Barr, former congressman and presidential candidate, today a high profile advocate for Sholom Mordechai, will discuss the ramifications of this excessive sentence. Mr. Barr is a forceful presence on the Rubashkin case, holding press conferences and publishing articles condemning the outrageous sentence.

Reb Menashe Frankel, a renowned askan, will chair the evening. Rav Ephraim Wachsman, Rosh Yeshiva of Meor Yitzchok, will address the crowd with divrei hisorarus, and Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva, will deliver divrei bracha and chizuk. As in the past, Rav Pinchos Lipschutz, publisher of the Yated and a yedid ne’eman of Shalom Mordechai will also speak, followed by Reb Getzel Rubashkin.

Shalom Mordechai was given a 27 year sentence, virtually a life sentence for someone his age. He has weathered his horrific nisyonos with tremendous emuna and bitachon.

Click HERE to read a letter by the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva Shlita.

(YWN Lakewood News Desk)

9 Responses

  1. wow! the yeshivish community is actually supporting someone who isn’t exactly like them. I hope this sends a message to shamayim that we really DO care about each other!

  2. Ramat Eshkol – have you been under a rock the last few years? The entire Jewish community has rallied behind SM Rubashkin from the inception, with the litvish Yated and Rabbi Lipschitz taking the primary role. This is klal yisroel’s fight, not just Rubashkin and chabad.

  3. Sholom Mordechai needs help from Heaven, and this gathering of bnei Torah will surely open the Gates of Heaven.

  4. Is there a number for a teleconfrence for people who either dont live in Lakewood or live somewhere else?

  5. Additional to #2 Think Stright
    And how about Kiryas Yoel and New Square. The speakers in Monsey and BP were predominatly Chasidish. The only Chabad speakers were R Shalom Moredachai’s children.

    Kol Mevasser @ 718 689 1100 & 212 444 1100 will be providing phone hook ups. Lakewooders please go in person

  6. I am so proud of the “ACHDUS” of Klal Yisroel.
    מי כעמך ישראל גוי “אחד” בארץ

    For those who don’t know, Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin is a descendent of the famous and illustrious “Chein” family, who have a lineage of G’eonim and Tzadikim dating all the way back to the “R’ashbo ZT”L.
    ר שאלתיאל חן הי-ה תלמיד הרשב”א והי-ה מבית דינו. עיין
    שו”ת הרשב”א חלק א סימן תטו
    שאלתיאל ב”ר משה ז”ל חן

  7. BSD

    While of course it does not change a thing, Rogachovers, are you sure of your information?

    I think you are confusing the Rubashkins with another CH family whose surname begins with an R (though it actually should be Chein – the name was changed twice for pikuach nefesh and escaping the USSR), and is related by marriage to the Rubashkins (SMR’s aunt married into said family and they too are great baalei chessed). Then again, the Chabad families who stayed Chassidish during Soviet times are so inter-related (simply because so few Yidden did stay frum in those days) that you may be right.

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