‘Tznius’ Standard Instituted In Sderot Businesses

A new type of religious certification has been launched in Sderot: A modesty standard. Businesses that commit to ensure modest dress and modest advertisements are to be granted a “modesty certification” after religious inspectors from the Ma’amakim organization examine the business’s premises and certify that it upholds the standard during periodic visits.

The newly formed standard is the initiative of Ma’amakim, which was established by the Reut-Sderot organization in a bid to deepen awareness of Jewish tradition in the city.

“The idea was formed on the backdrop of the security situation in the city,” explained Rabbi Ariel Bareli, one of the leaders of Ma’amakim. “We felt like we want to do something to help. Bombing Gaza is not within our capacity, so we thought of doing something in order to increase opportunities to do something good. We consulted with Rabbi Eliyahu on how we can strengthen them in terms of Torah, and what came up as a request from the public of the Torah core families is the issue of modesty.

“It was clear to us that we could not turn to the general public and ask them to grow stronger in their abidance of modesty because this would not be accepted. Therefore, we thought of starting with people who serve the public. What we are in essence asking of them is to be considerate of the religious public. After all, it is fairly acceptable that businesses have uniform dress.”

Initial contact was made with large businesses like banks, sick funds, and the post office.

“We started very cautiously,” said Rabbi Bareli. “There were places where it was important for them to cooperative with us, like sick funds, because we are satisfied customers. In their case, instructions were simply given that the desk clerks also be asked to wear the sick fund smocks. We reached people who understand us, like the branch manager of Superpharm, who contacted the chain’s management and asked that the Sderot branch be deemed a haredi branch so that the appropriate advertisements be sent to them. In the municipality, however, we weren’t successful. They weren’t interested.”

Improving the campaign

The modesty standard campaign, titled “Mutual Respect,” was promoted by notices hung throughout the city emphasizing the advantages of modest dress. The signs, which initially featured a picture of the Baba Sali along with one of his statements “Modest dress – happiness, honor, and blessing,” were not particularly successful. The organization then changed the word modesty to “Mutual Respect.”

The campaign was bolstered by print ads run in the newspapers featuring a list of the stores that abide by the modesty standard. “Our goal today is to raise the modesty issue to public consciousness,” explained Rabbi Bareli.

“We want people who don’t keep the Torah and mitzvoth also to understand the pain and suffering of a person trying to raise his children in purity but encounters public representatives who spoil it for him. I want people to understand that there is no oppression here.”

“It must be understood that despite all my good and earnest intentions to integrate into general society, I can’t sacrifice what is in my soul. I hope that in Sderot, which is a small town with a traditional character, we will manage to do this. I would be pleased if this model is later taken to other places as well.”

(Source: Ynet)

8 Responses

  1. A valiant effort. There is definitely a growing problem within the frum community as well. I would hope that a positive approach in re-education would change the tide – stressing the majesty of our people, the regalness of the Jewish woman. A difficult task in this dress down, the-world-is-my-beach age. In the meantime, working on oneself and setting the optimal example can’t hoit!

  2. Hey, maybe if the charedei media would show pictures of frum women as role models, ladies would know how to dress properly.

  3. According to the Zohar, towards the end of our Galuth, the Arabs will try to claim Eretz Yisroel, citing the fact that they, too, are the Sons of Abraham, and they practice Brith Milah.

    They also follow Abraham’s instructions on hospitality to strangers and MODESTY IN WOMEN’S DRESS.

    The heavenly Court will try to find flaws in their arguments.

    We have already won the Brith Milah argument and the hospitality argument, but the modesty in dress argument is a problem with many of our estranged brothers in Israel (and some of the Orthodox).

    Perhaps, that is why we’re having such a difficult time stopping the arabs from taking away our land (Obama is simply a messenger).

  4. Builders wear hard hats;
    Road repairmen where vest
    Pilots have their uniform
    Businessmen have their uniform
    What is your beif with the frum people.
    Is it what they wear of what they represent to you??
    I beieve it is the latter of the 2
    I could not work in a bar even if the money was great; it is the surroundings.
    If you don’t like the surroundings find another place
    It is no mafia it is the people environment they want to live in

  5. It would be interesting to see a picture of the required clothes, and hear a full detailed outline of the code. I wonder if this more along the lines of business professional, or conventional tznius; the former is often not enough for people espousing the latter but is definitely an improvement.

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