As the Atra Kadisha activists ponder ways to halt ongoing excavations in Jaffa, there is talk of arriving at Herzl’s Tomb with shovels and other digging equipment, to announce they plan to exhume the body to relocate the grave, hoping to drive the point home.
Eida and Atra officials are unwilling to permit the continued excavations by Israel Antiquities officials in a number of cities, determined to halt the chilul kevarim, and they are searching for yet uncharted ways to accomplish this goal.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
26 Responses
The most effective method is not to dig up Herzl’s grave but rather to put his ideological successors in the grave.
Well at least we still have the element of surprise!
two wrongs don’t make it rite to dig up a differant jewish persons grave.
you forgot to add hertzels name yms’v. B,H his offspring converted to christianity…so it shows , ‘biroso yelodov mashe yodo bekirbo’
Are they out of their minds??? They scream digging up graves is against the Torah and then go and do the very same thing? What about the Torah now?? What is happening to today’s chareidim that is driving them to behave like animals ? Disgusting.
does it relly bother ypu?..i mean ‘torah’ couldnt care less about torah, your using now ‘torah’ when it convinient for you..
and people wonder why we don’t have a beis hamikdash today. if the chareidim were to wake up and realize the chilul hashem they are causing perhaps something like this or the emanuel tragedy would not have occured. although herzel was no tzadik he is still under the hagdarah of tinnok shenishbam. he didn’t come from a frum backround he never had the chance to be mikayem any of the mizvos. the gemara in sandherin (i believe in the 4th perek) talk about the problems of switching kevarim. the kevarim that the israeli government has dug up may not be even jewish and these people who call themselves frum want to dig up a fellow jew’s grave!!! shame on them and on those who agree.
#5 – i believe they are just trying to make a point and have no real intention to exhume the grave. i highly doubt they will be able to get through his grave with such a monument on top with mere shovels unless they are coming with a bulldozer (& don’t tell me “other digging equipment” mentioned in the article refers to a bulldozer.
We all know that this won’t happen so it is probably just another blood libel against chareidim.
To #5
Chill out nobody is gonna get near his grave they just want to make a point. Besides even if they want to they would have to put up a fight alot bigger then in Yaffa
#5 My and anyone else like him/her – being that no one has done anything of the such this info remains little more than rumors. Why are you jumping to conclusions when the whole thing may just be one big fabrication?
#7: Herzl was most definitely NOT a tinok “shenishbam”! I know that you enjoy bashing loyal Tora Jews, but revision of history should not be one of the ways you go about it. Is any Jew throughout history a tinok “shenishbam” unless he grew up in a “heimishe” home? And what do you mean by “he never had the chance to be mikayem any of the mizvos”??!!
In any case, if any of this will happen it’s meant to awaken publicity and interest in the idea of k’vod hameis. Wake up and smell the coffee. You couldn’t care less yourself.
Here is a video on Herzl shr”y prepared by Rav Amnon Yitzchok. Click the link below the picture to watch it. It’s about an hour long. If you are a hard core Zionist you may be slightly upset, unless you’re one of those that refuses to be influenced by little things like facts.
These people give new meaning to the word hypocracy. How dare they even threaten to disturb a Jewish grave?
To #7
About Emanuel i can only tell you get your facts straight. it was the biggest kidush hashem possible
and about Herzl everyone knows that his body is not even there and in Jaffo it is for sure Jewish kewarim so grow up and look at yourself get your facts straight and then given your clever insights in the days events have good day sir
and good shabbes
This is great!!! Dig him up and rebury him in Uganda 🙂
supposedly, tthere is no grave there at all just dust, there is a story with the chazon ish that one of the tzionim became a ba’al teshuvah, because he was there when they went to relocate herzl to Israel. When they were digging up his grave they could not find anytthing. This had such an impression on this person that tikvas adam rimah vtoleah and he became a baal teshuvah
By their actions, these thugs prove that they are able bodied and thus employable. Therefore, the State of Israel should cut off their welfare payments.
I suggest that they show up at Hertzl’s grave with shovels and bulldozers, but that they do not actually do any digging.
That will be sufficient to make the point.
This father of 2 meshumodim and of a state that has caused thousands to shmad out and to marry goyim brought in as Jews should indeed be buried in a far less prominent place. I would suggest he be buried next to the father of the “Palestinian” state in Ramallah.
I don’t understand why #12 doesn’t consider Herzl a tinok she’nishba. And why does one talkback say that it was a good thing that his children became Christians?! What a tragedy for Klal Yisrael. That is indeed horrible. We might as well close down the baalei teshuvah yeshivas… I personally have taught a talmid who was originally raised as a Christian. He didn’t know that he was Jewish until he turned 18. Today he is frum. Never give up hope for any segment of Klal Yisrael.
the classic, traditional, accepted meaning of tinok shenishboh, the way it always used to mean, was somebody who had no idea there was a Jewish religion. Later, we revised it to mean anyone who was ignorant enough to know NOTHING ABOUT the Jewish religion. In Herzl’s day, the Tora still relatively reigned supreme on the majority of Yidden. In Eastern Europe at that time there was not any official, organized, seculatr anti-Tora Jewish life yet, at all. There were only shtetlach full of ehrliche, loyal shomrei Tora. Herzl went on a rampage and crusade against the Tora. He wrote about it in his writings. The culmination of that was that his children converted to Christianity and married ‘out’ at a time that this was not happening at all anywhere! That is definitely not a tinok shenisboh, even according to the ‘new’ standards (which many gedolei Yisroel rejected anyway).
#22 these ‘tinok shenishba’ banner carriers here and all all over dont care the real pshat of ‘tionk shenishba’. they will use it on any ‘meisis umadiach’ which hertzel yemach shemo was. they would even use it on ‘oiso ish’
#21 and why is it a tragedy to ‘klall’ yisroel?? its a tragedy to thier own neshomos, nobody else….plenty tzaddikum wished for such ‘jews’ thier offspring should shmad as to proove thier movements are a TRAGEDY to klall yisroel
#3 do you ignorant people know that someone who is mumer lechol hatorah shouldnt even be buried among shomrei torah not even jewish grave
shimen it is you who is the ignorant one. herzel, although he certianly was no tzadik was clearly within the bounds of a tinok shenishba herzel was never frum so how could you possibly call him a mumar. next time before you comment get the halacha straight!!