Oldest Woman In The World Marks Her 130th Birthday‎

Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Georgia claim a woman from a remote mountain village is turning 130, making her the oldest person on Earth.

A spokesman for the national register says Antisa Khvichava from western Georgia was born on July 8, 1880.

Today she lives in the village of Sachino, Tsalenjikha district, together with her offspring.

The family says the woman has good memory and identifies her grandchildren without hesitation.

Khvichava reportedly retired from her job as a tea and corn picker in 1965, when she was 85.

Authorities visited the woman on Thursday in her village of Sachire and displayed two Soviet-era documents noting her date of birth as indicated in her birth certificate, which had been lost.

The Gerontology Research Group says the oldest documented person is 114-year-old Eugenie Blanchard of Saint Barthelemy, France. The body is yet to examine Khvichava’s claim.

(Sources: Sky News / AP)

15 Responses

  1. Nonsense. Read the Wikipedia page on the oldest people. Only one person has ever been recorded as having gone beyond 119 and she died at 122. The claim is so absurd it is obviously a forgery or a mistake. To believe this you have to be very gullible.

  2. @Common Sense
    When did Wikipedia become the all-truth saying power?
    Also, R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky said that Ad Meah V’Esrim is a klalla, why only to 120? There is no makor that one must die at 120.
    R’ Zeira and R’ Yehoshua ben Korcha lived much longer than 120.

  3. That’s a lot of candles to blow out. They have to be long ones so after lighting the first 65 candles, they dont melt down while lighting the next 65 candles.

    The media is not on the ball like it used to be. How come we didnt hear about her before like when she turned 112 or 128?

  4. #10, That is very wrong.
    How long did Pinchas live?
    Numerous Tanaim and Amoraim lives longer than 120.

    Please review your facts

  5. #10
    you should learn divri hayamim (divri hayamim 2 24-15)
    vayizakan yihoyadah vayisba yamim vayamos ben MAH OSHLOSHEIM SHANA BINOSO

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