Statement from Governor Paterson On Heatwave

“Public safety is our utmost concern, and today New Yorkers need to be prepared for a significant heat wave that is forecasted for this week, particularly in New York City and on Long Island, where conditions are expected to be at their worst. All New Yorkers must take proper precautions to avoid exhaustion or injury during the severe weather, and remember to stay out of the sun when possible and avoid strenuous outdoor activity during the hottest time of day – between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. Please drink fluids regularly, particularly water, even if you are not thirsty. Check on your elderly neighbors and those with special needs, and never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles.

“New Yorkers can be assured that we will continue to work with State agencies and public authorities to monitor electricity use and prevent possible loss of power. The Public Service Commission has ordered all State facilities located in the New York City metropolitan area – such as the Port Authority, MTA, government offices, and others – to activate their peak-load reduction programs to reduce electric load during peak consumption hours – between 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Additionally, both the Long Island Power Authority and the New York Power Authority are monitoring transmission lines and power generating plants to ensure continued and uninterrupted operations.

“We ask that New Yorkers do the same by setting their thermostats no lower than 78 degrees, turning off nonessential electronics during peak consumption hours, and turning off air conditioners when they leave their residences. For more tips on how to beat the heat, please visit the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency website at:”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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