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Obama Calls Immigration System ‘Fundamentally Broken’

In his first speech on immigration as president, Barack Obama called the current system “fundamentally broken” and outlined his plans for sweeping reform.

He called for improvements in border patrol, holding businesses who hire undocumented workers accountable, and demanding illegal immigrants to get documented.

“We have more boots on the ground in the southwest border than at any time in our history. We doubled the personnel assigned to border enforcement, security tasks forces,” said the president during his address at American University in Washington, D.C.. “We tripled the number of intelligence analysis along the border.”

Obama highlighted the flaws with the current immigration system – highlighting the porous borders, high fees for obtaining citizenship, and separation of immigrant families.

The president also commented on Arizona’s tough new immigration law, saying it has created more tension and reform is being stalled by political conflicts.

The president had promised to make immigration reform a priority in his first year.

(Source: NY1)

6 Responses

  1. Obama, YOU are Fundamentally Broken!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEED REFORM!!! In fact, the office of the president needs reforming. That process will begin on Election Day 2010, it will continue on Election Day 2012, and it will culminate on 1/20/13 when you sent back to Crooked Chicago.

  2. No one argues with the point. There is much annoyance over the border being too easy to cross, especially by drug smugglers. Economically, America needs immigrants (whether hard working, socially conservative, family oriented ones such as the Mexicans, or hard working high tech and entreprenurial types from the rest of the world). Whether as hard working blue collar workers, or entreprenrial techies – immigrants are still building America as they have for the last 400 years.

    Given the most new immigrants tend to be more conservative than the average American (pro-family, anti-gay, business oriented), immigration is likely to help the Republicans more than the Democrats. Indeed, the largest concentration of “ethnic” support for the Demorats comes from Puerto Ricans in New York – who are all natural born citizens. While a bunch of nativists (who also don’t like Jews very much) are a problem for the Republicans in seeking new immigrant support (which people like Jindal and Rubio have to overcome), the Democrats have similar problems from the Unions and the African American community who are both core costituencies for the Democrats as well as anti-immigrant.

  3. Mr President, as usual your words are utterly incorrect and you continue to be the rabble rouser you have always been without a care in the world whether your words are true or not. The nation is not against immigration, we are against ILLEGAL immigration. If someone comes LEGALLY, we don’t have a people. When people do things ILLEGALLY (you have done illegal things too!), that’s when there is a problem.

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