Vice President Biden is out with an alarmed e-mail cash appeal warning that the GOP will mount a “blitzkrieg” against Democrats in the fall.
Comparing GOP tactics to the fast-striking forces of Nazi Germany, Biden warns in a message sent by the DCCC today: “As things heat up, you can expect House Democrats will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg of vicious Swift-Boat-style attack ads, Karl Rove-inspired knockout tactics, thinly veiled attempts at character assassination and tea party disruptions.”
And while the GOP is mounting a blitzkrieg, Democrats are the allies.
“Our Democratic allies in the House need your help, and the President and I hope we can count on you to come to their defense so we can hold onto our Democratic Majority and continue moving American forward in a new direction,” Biden writes in the appeal.
Subtle? Not so much.
Update: Republicans were not amused by the implications of the e-mail.
Kevin Smith, spokesman for Minority Leader John Boehner, e-mailed a comment that seems sure to get under Democrats’ skins: “When will Democrats learn that invoking the Nazis’ crimes against humanity in a political debate is simply inappropriate?”
(Source: NY Daily News)
12 Responses
Calling Republicans “Nazis” is a clear sign that the Democrats are failing at the polls.
Looks like we’ll be celebrating their downfall soon BE”H.
the headline is very misleading ywn!!!
“Blitzkrieg” (usually in the shortened form of “blitz” and also used as a verb) has long since lost its connotation of anything to do with the Nazis. Indeed, only history buffs are familiar with the term’s origin. The tactic it represents has become the standard offensive tactic in conventional warfare. Indeed, most people think it refers to a tactic in American football – though much football terminology has military origins.
If that’s the best that Mr. Boehner can come up with, perhaps its time to let Mr. Kantor take over.
If he knew what the Nazis were really like he would have not said that. But, he is the dumbest vice president ever.
akuperma, you are showing your absolute callousness.
Are you serious? Perhaps you are too sensitive. I would hardly equate referencing a Nazi war tactic to calling Republicans Nazis.
Think with your brain, not your heart.
It is too bad this Smart Donkey (YWN won’t allow me to actually QUOTE the Veep so I had to substitute a word) doesn’t realize its the ‘new direction’ Team Obama is taking the country, that is the root of the problem.
Mr Biden: when they said “SIYUG LACHOCHMO SHTIKA” they surely meant you!!
Looks like the biden needs another punch in the mouth from obama to streaten his republican not the democrats scumbs
#5, all he did was bring FACT to the table as opposed to hysteria. I don’t see how that makes him callous.
How Jews continue to vote for these people is simply mind-boggling. This is not the same Democrat party of yesteryear.
Feivi, sometimes it’s not even “thinking with your heart” it’s more like, “thinking with your party”.