Greenfield Secures $500,000 In Funding For Over 40 Community Groups

In an unprecedented show of transparency, New York City Councilman David Greenfield released a full list of organizations that he was responsible for funding in this year’s budget, which was passed by the City Council yesterday.

Most of these groups applied for funding before Greenfield was elected to office, as the deadline for funding was a full month before Greenfield was elected. While Greenfield’s top budget priority this year was the successful six million dollar restoration of Priority 7 vouchers benefiting 2,200 children, Greenfield was also able to secure funding for many worthy groups in his community. “I am proud that in ten short weeks I was able to bring back over $500,000 in direct funding to outstanding non-profit groups in my district,” said Greenfield. “I am even prouder that I was able to fund more groups than ever before in this year’s budget, despite the overwhelming budget deficit.”

Next year, Greenfield plans on opening up the process even more by working with all groups that are interested in receiving city funding starting in January of 2011. “It doesn’t matter how big or small you are. If you do outstanding work, we want to help you,” explained Greenfield. “That’s why next year we will host an open meeting for all groups who are interested in applying for funds from the city. The days of groups receiving funding based on back-room political deals are over. We are funding groups based on one criteria: merit.”

The list of groups that Councilman Greenfield funded in this year’s budget follows in alphabetical order:

Agudath Israel of America Community Services
American Friends of Chasdei Lev
American Friends of Mishkan Yecheskel
American-Italian Coalition of Organizations
Bensonhurst Council of Jewish Organizations
Bonei Olam
Boro Park Community Council
Brain Tumor Foundation
Brooklyn Chinese-American Association
Brooklyn Housing and Family Services
Chai-Life Line
Chaverim of Boro Park, Williamsburg
Central Jewish Council
Communal Services for Bobov
Congregation Bnai Yosef
Congregation Divrei Yisroel and Bas Melech
Congregation Kehal Premishlan
Congregation L’man Achai
Emergency Parnassa Initiative
Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst
Gan Yisroel
Igud L’ Hachzokas Torah
Imagine Academy
Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services
Medicare Rights Center
Metropolitan Russian-American Parents Association
Midwood Development Corporation
Mifal Tzeduka V’chesed
Mosad Harim Levin
Ohr Halimud – The Multi-Sensory Learning Center
Parkville Youth Organization
Reach for the Stars Learning Center
Senior Citizens League of Flatbush
Shmira Civilian Volunteer Patrol of Boro Park
St. Athanasius Golden Age Club
St. Athanasius Youth Program
Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush
United Chinese Association of Brooklyn
United Talmudic Academy
Yeled V’Yalda Early Childhood Center
Yeshiva Beth Hillel of Krasna
Yeshivath Kehilath Yakov
Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association of Boro Park

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. can we see how much each one got? Can we see each application to see where the money will be used? That would be true transparency.

  2. Kol Hakavod Mr. Greenfield. In addition please be on top of the monies to make sure they are used properly and not for such as personal use, for example flying to Israel on First Class. Yes, #2 this is tax money coming back to communities. Do some of us who pay huge tax amounts that we even prepay indirectly give charity !!!!????
    In my opinion institutions that are a rabbinical affiliation are not entitled to such monies.

  3. Could there ever be frum conservatives in America when we are addicted to handouts from big government? We can’t join the tea party when we are obsessed with drinking the tea

    Now if he managed to line up non-taxpayer funding for those groups – that would be something to write home about.

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