In response to a ruling of the High Court of Justice declaring funding for kollel members illegal since it discriminates against university students, the Knesset Finance Committee on Tuesday is beginning to discuss new criteria for eligibility for the NIS 1,000 a month payment.
MK Uri Maklev explains the new criteria will be along the lines of eligibility compelling a candidate to be married, have 3 or more children, and not have a vehicle, which rules out most university students anyway, and there are those who will yell that this too is discriminatory.
Maklev points out that the court has once again created an absurd situation, but the Knesset will address it and he is hopeful that a new reality that circumvents the court’s decision will be forthcoming. He points out that 85% of the avreichim do not receive this, but those who are truly living in poverty are entitled to this basic assistance which permits them to buy basic food, break and milk for their children.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
8 Responses
break for the kids???
what antisemites!!!! the high court has the chutzpah to get involved in government affairs!!!??? who do those zionists think they are??!! lets throw some rocks.
for the record:
my previous comment was sarcastic 😉
DONT Take any money from the Zionists!!
Why not just make the stipends available to the university students?
I remember a few years ago, when I wasn’t yet an Israeli citizen, my wife had lost her job and she went to apply to Bituach Leumi for Havtachat hachnasah. They told her that because I’m an avreich she should go to Misrad Hadatot and that they can’t help us. When we went to Datot, we were turned down because I wasn’t a citizen- eventhough she was and she was asking for it because she had been fired from her job (who just needed to get rid of people b/c they couldn’t afford to pay so many salaries). Then a few days later, I found out that the proportion of how much one gets for Havtachat Hachnasah from datot to a non religious citizen getting it through bituach leumi is on a ratio of 1:3 – i.e. if now a days a person gets from Datot 1,000 shekels a month, a non religious citizen who applied through bituach leumi gets 3,000 shekels a month!
What I’m laughing is that they make it sound as if they are emptying out their coffers on the avreichim!
…which permits them to buy basic food, break and milk for their children. Break? you guys don’t believe in basis proofreading? morons
@charliehall there are too many university students everyone who is not in the army is in university