Mullen Doesn’t Believe Iran’s Statements Regarding Peaceful Nuclear Energy

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen believes that even if stricter sanctions are imposed on Iran, Tehran will continue towards building nuclear bombs.

He told an Aspen Security Forum on Monday that “there is no reason to believe Iran” and that if Iran reaches nuclear independence “it would be incredibly dangerous”.

He also repeated his position that a military strike would destabilize the entire Mideast region, and that Israel is aware of this too.

Mullen just returned from Israel where he met with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi and other senior officials.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. So let’s get Mullen’s thoughts clear…
    1) He doesn’t believe Iran wants nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
    2) He doesn’t think sanctions against Iran will work to stop their nuclear program.
    3) He thinks Iran having nuclear “independence” would be “incredibly dangerous”.
    4) (But) He thinks a military strike on Iran would be very “destabilizing” of the Middle East.
    –>So, – What IS he advising to do???
    Given the choice between a “destabilized” Middle East, and destroyed Eretz Yisrael, it would seem to me that the ONLY option is a well planned and executed military strike (possibly to take out Iran’s LEADERS as opposed to their underground nuclear facilities) coupled with intensive tefilla.

  2. Mullen knows the realities. And unfortunately one of them is that getting the US into a THIRD war in the region would be disasterous for all concerned — except for our Muslim fundamentalist enemies. And in any case the Mullahs know that the US has no military capability remaining for such a war.

  3. I don’t understand all of this. We have been through this before where policy of war and the death and destruction of hundreds of thousands of people was based on UNPROVED belief. How many policies are based on having a war because of a BELIEF? If THAT is the criteria, then certainly the US should attack North Korea because it has at least ONE nuclear weapon…….
    And the State of Israel has 230 nuclear warheads including some fitted on their Dolphin submarines that they got practically for free from GERMANY!

  4. SANE countries having nuclear weapons is not a problem.
    During the “cold war” of the ’60s and ’70s between the U.S. and Russia, both countries were aware of what was called M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction)- meaning they both had enough sense to know, that if one side “pushed the button” (to launch nuclear missles) then the other side would also, and BOTH countries would be annihilated. So, being sane, NEITHER side pushed any buttons.
    Israel also (though they do many very dumb things in my humble opinion) IS a sane country, and so, having nuclear weapons for decades, they too, have never pushed the button (though in the Yom Kippur War they came close to having to do so).
    North Korea and especially Iran are both NOT sane countries. That is why it is EXTREMELY dangerous for them to have these weapons. Iran is so insane that their leaders DON’T care about the “M.A.D.” concept, they don’t care if millions of their own people are killed in a retaliatory attack. This is why Israel MUST act PRE-emptively in dealing with Iran. The stakes are too high and RE-action is not an option.

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