Israelis Come Under Attack in Berlin

Two Israelis, 22 and 18, were attacked in a nightclub in the Kreuzberg area of Berlin earlier in the week, German media reported. The attack involved an Arab man, and local police are investigating if the incident was an anti-Semitic attack.

It appears the attacker approached the older man and asked if he was an Israeli. When he responded positively, the attacker identified himself and assaulted him. The second younger man stepped in to defend his friend and he too came under attack.

The club bouncer sprayed the participants in the brawl with pepper spray bringing the event to an end. The two were treated in a local hospital and they filed a police complaint. A special hate crimes unit is investigating the case. The two are scheduled to return home to Israel today, Tuesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. hate to say it but you dont belong in a night club like the gedolim said about the holocaust, if you go where you dont belong, the goyim wi;; let you know that you dont belong

  2. “Am l’vodod yishkone” — When Jews don’t intermingle with gentiles these altercations won’t happen.

  3. I hate to say it but it is not up to you to judge where a person should or shouldn’t go!!!! Anyone should have the same right to walk around and go wherever they want without being attacked by an arab or anyone else. So your comment is foolish! This arab was looking for a fight and would have started one whether he found an Israel in a club or in a supermarket. That is not the point of the article.

  4. I don’t condone going to nightclubs anywhere, but were the Jews attacked in shul, at home, or in school over all the generations attacked because of where they were? They were attacked because Eisav Sonei Yaakov. Do what’s right and leave it to Hashem to do the judging.

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