Israeli Pride at NYC To’eva Chilul Hashem

Tragically, the to’eva community has managed to gain enough respectability to hold its annual parades in many cities and countries worldwide.

One such event was held in the Big Apple, NYC on Sunday, June 27th. That itself is not newsworthy other than the fact that only one country continues to march under its national flag, an official contingent, and that is the State of Israel, bringing the chilul Hashem to an even higher level.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. So let me just get something straight ( no pun intended), the State of Israel can march in the “Pride Parade” but the conversions done by Rav Karelitz are not legitimate?

  2. If you want, report the incident. But labeling it as a chilul hashem c”v is not your job and is meOrer katrugim.
    Since many countries view allowing for these silly people as positive, maybe it’s not chilul hashem.

  3. I can’t beleive that it was sanctioned by the government of Israel, more likely just perverts from there.
    If I marched with a Vatican flag, people would come to the same conclusion.

  4. Tragically, Mr. Spira has gained enough respectability to still have his posts labeled “news” rather than “editorial.”

  5. #2 The Torah is OUR source. Just because some countries allow the filth parade to march through streets, does not make it less of a chillul Hashem. Flaunting a filth parade which Hashem considers an abomination is not some “silly people” parading but downright corruption and immorality in our midst.

  6. Had I not read this story I’d never have known. I’m sure there are many others that would never have heard either – certainly in the frum community. It seems that the only one making a chilul Hashem is you…

  7. #5. The same Torah teaches us the concept of Tinuk Shenishba. And the same Hashem who gave us the Torah does not enjoy reading bad things about his children. (Yes, he reads the Internet. Meloh kol haaretz kevodo.)
    Anyhow, my point was that a news reporter need not inject his viewpoint into a news article. I’ll grant him benefit of doubt when he reports a positive Kiddush Hashem. But not enough he reports the article, he makes a chilul hashem reporting it. Dear friend, don’t use critical negative phrases just to make a catchy headline.

  8. #3
    This is a torah site , and labling this parade ‘chilil hashem is not an opinion, its a fact. By the way what is the underlying factor the bothers you if the heading is ‘chillil hashem’. Also you dont seem to know what constitute chilli hashem.

  9. #4 Tragically? Is this your version of ‘tragedy’ i though tragedy when some is killed, die of sickenes etc etc

  10. #6 is right I didn’t know about it nor do I need to. I definetly don’t want to have to explain to the kids what kind of parade this is.

  11. # 10 and i’d like to know what your kids are doing online,and if you have no problem with that then you have some explaining to do

  12. #7 are you trying to curb his free speech? anyway see #8.when kiddish hashem is involved like haveing separate swimmiming, seating in buses etc do you also jump on the kiddish hashem band wagon or over there its by you a chillil hashem …raceism, segregation parkers etc etc

  13. #10..there are numerous subjects discussed on this and the other torah site which kids shouldnt see and i didnt see you posting ‘you dont want your kids to see’ ..vehamayvin yovin

  14. #7 he is not injecting ‘his’ viewpoint, and if you think its ‘his’ viewpoint no wonder your reaction .Aand if you hold that a ‘toaivh’ parade that flaunts one of the 39 abominations in g-ds ‘face and is not a chillil hashem you belong on a ‘same….. union’ site

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