Plans Underway for an International Chareidi March

While the coalition leaders would like nothing more than putting the entire Emanuel Beis Yaakov case in the past, the chareidi legislators in Knesset, rabbonim shlita and askanim are not about to capitulate and plans are underway to increase the pressure on the coalition.

There is serious discussion regarding a worldwide 20-minute march in chareidi areas around the globe, to take place simultaneously around the world to send a clear message to the secular government of the State of Israel.

HaRav Chaim Shmerler of Shaare Ho’raah suggested the idea, which brought a smile to the faces of Yahadut HaTorah officials. The rav suggest a 20-30 march followed by a 30-minute kenos around the world. The banner headline of the event would be the outrage directed at the Supreme Court for daring to imprison mothers for seeking to educate their children in accordance to their religious beliefs and in line with their rabbonim. The event would take place on Sunday, 22 Tammuz (July 4). Sunday was decided upon since in N. America and other areas, it is a day of rest and organizers feel it will result in greater participation. At the same time, a kenos tefilla for women would be taking place at the Kosel.

A decision is pending but Deputy Minister Meir Porush appears to favor the idea and people have already begun probing the feasibility of such a plan.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. i think this is a wonderful idea given the crisis … and according to the Chofetz Chaim it is a mitzvah to publicly embarrass an apikorus … which is what the entire Israeli government is … but I doubt if anything will change on a government level … the temporary powers to be in the Knesset are not going to do tshuva … they will be secular till the end …. my view is … create a complete religious NGO (non-governmental organization) that includes and represents all the religious groups in Israel … regardless of their varying degrees of observance … who are Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Hasidim, Misnagdim, Ethiopian, Indian … in other words … anyone who is not secular …. since Conservative and Reform are not an issue or recognized in Israel… the only two recognizable groups are actually secular vs. observant … the religious have to create a united front … otherwise it will always be a hopeless fight …(as in ‘divide and conquer’… the religious are divided… the secular have conquered…) as in the word of the navi … ‘a house divided cannot stand’… how will the religious house stand and hold up to this powerful secular strength in the future? we cannot continue repeating the horrors of the past 60 years… things like this, and worse, can only happen … only a united religious body of all the groups in Israel … regardless of where we spent the last 2000 years … can hope to win this fight …

  2. I would like to particiapte in this demo…..
    But at the same I feel very upset with Chinuch Atzmai and so many schools that have rejected Sefardi students (particularly frum girls) over the years.
    I have approached Laizerson with this point from the heads of Chinuch Atzmai and he just laughed me off. His ‘gabbe’ with him at the time just told me that only when Moshiach comes will we say וגר זאב עם כבש וכו.

  3. Rav Aharon zt”l and other Gedolei Yisrael were opposed to anti-Israel rallies in Chutz laaretz.

    That was one of the many points of contention they had with the daas yochid of the Divrei Yoel.

    Some people seem to forget that approach of the Satmar Rav and the Eidah were strongly rejected by the gedolei Admorim v’Roshei Yeshivah.

  4. #2: unfortunately, you are very na�ve. Something like that would not be able to happen in eretz yisroel.

  5. Yiftoch b’doro k’Shmuel b’doro. we have our gedolim that we must look to for daas Torah. I think it’s easier to speculate what Rav Aharon z’tl might say than to actually know what he would say in this situation.

  6. #6: possibly… but i just want to remind you that this Sephardic/Ashkenazi issue is a mere 2000 years old at most …. all of these ‘new nationalities’ occurred during this current diaspora … during the first golus, we all went down to Babylon, which is in Iraq … which essentially would have made the entire Jewish nation ‘Sephardic’…

    Jews haven’t gotten along for way longer than the current golus …. actually the reason we got into this current golus in the first place was directly the result of maklokos… sinus chimum… and loshon hora ….in other words: a lack of loyalty and comraderie … a lack of ‘brotherly love’…

    previous to this current golus there wasn’t a Sephardi or an Ashenazi in the whole bunch … there was no such thing…

    and what was their excuse?

  7. We have to remember that these protests are not against the Israeli Govt but only against the judicial system in Israel which is vehemently liberal. I think that this distinction is very important . We should not think that C”V this is a protest against Tinuki Shenishbah, the Israeli Govt, that are really trying their best to help strengthen Eretz Yisroel, unlike the judicial system. Especially important to remember this during the 3 weeks. You have to wonder why Hashem is giving us this Nisayon of of our Ahavs Chinam during this time. Be’Hatzlocha in making the right decisions.

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