A Look at Netanyahu – Yahadut HaTorah Meeting

When the MKs of Yahadut HaTorah met on Wednesday afternoon with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, he told them that prior to their meeting, he was unaware of many of the details surrounding the Emanuel Beis Yaakov, explaining he was unaware the court sent mothers to prison too. He also told the MKs that he hadn’t realized just how troublesome the matter is, but he was brought up to date quickly when R’ Menachem Eliezer Moses informed him that he must find a solution since the party doesn’t see any reason to remain in a coalition, to support a government that does not feel such an act is mutual.

The prime minister appeared empathetic, if not to the actual cause, at least to the realization this could lead to a major coalition crisis with the chareidim. He did add however that we live in a state of law and all citizens must adhere to the rulings of the High Court of Justice.

Moses informed the prime minister that if the women are compelled to serve jail terms, the protests will not only be from the “Satmars, but from Orthodox Jewry around the world”.

MK R’ Moshe Gafne added that he understands the prime minister cannot interfere in matters of the High Court, but he told the prime minister “you can use your authority with the cabinet, your ministers”, calling upon him to speak with the ministers of justice and education towards working out a solution for the school. He warned that if the women are imprisoned there were be a rebellion here that he has not seen before, and that he should regard this matter with no less concern that he did the Gaza flotillas.

Deputy Minister R’ Yaakov Litzman added that he sat close to the justices, and he insists one can feel the hate for Ashkenazim felt by Justice Edmond Levy. “He simply did not permit any of us to speak” explained Litzman.

Deputy Minister R’ Meir Porush added that the court simply decided to accept the subjective case presented by Lalum, and not the facts that point to acceptance in the school based on a child’s suitability and not ethnicity.

R’ Uri Maklev added that he spoke with a number of prominent attorneys, all agreeing that the case is truly unprecedented, sending citizens to prison. This he explained is the job of the magistrate’s and district courts, not the high court.

The prime minister attempted to persuade the MKs that the real problem facing Israel today is the stream of flotillas, the ships being sent to break the embargo, vessels sponsored an backed by Iran and Hizbullah.

Later in the day was a stormy Knesset session in which the prime minister addressed the plenum for 40 minutes, dedicating the end of his address to the Emanuel Beis Yaakov. He was followed by opposition leader Tzipi Livni, who blasted the coalition and then began striking blows against the chareidim and the community’s lack of respect and adherence for the law of the land and the nation’s Highest Court.

MK Gafne began shouting and interrupting, and Speaker Rivlin had him removed from the plenum.

While the Gaza flotillas do indeed present a threat that is being addressed on the military and diplomatic fronts, it is now clear that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is also aware that the Emanuel Beis Yaakov presents a threat to his homefront, a political threat that may destabilize the coalition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. לרגלי העלילה הנוראה מאת בית משפט חילוני על אחינו היקרים החרדים לדבר ה’ בעיר עמנואל בארה”ק, שהובלו לבית סוהר על שמוסרים את נפשם למען חינוך בנותיהם בדרך מסורת קדשנו, הננו מוחים בכל עוז על העול והפשע שנעשה להם, ועל הזדון המעוות לכפות עליהם אופי של חינוך נגד אורח חייהם ודעת רבותיהם. הדעה הכוזבת שמשפט חילוני יש לו תוקף למעלה מדעת התורה הנשמעת מפי נושאי דגלה, היא סילוף האמונה וחתירה תחת פינת היסוד שזאת התורה לא תהא מוחלפת, ורק היא הקובעת בחייו של היהודי, ואינה נתונה תחת שום שלטון ומשפט זולת חוקי התורה לבד.הננו משתתפים בכל לב בצערם של האסירים, יחד עם רבבות אלפי ישראל די בכל אתר ואתר. תחזקנה ידיהם ואשרי חלקם שנושאים על גבם כבוד שמים וכבוד ישראל סבא בעת כזאת. ויהי רצון שיתקדש שם שמים בימינו וימלא כבודו את כל הארץ. מועצת גדולי התורה בארה”ב

  2. Maybe this tragic event will be a wake up call to all chareidim/yeshivaleit to finally register and to vote in the elections. I have heard from Gedolim that by doing so, the chareidi world have the numbers to elect responsible, frum individuals who will be mosair nefesh for klal yisroel. IT’S TIME TO WAKEUP!

  3. So how did the Kiddush Hashem rally of 200000 people help here? Did the justice department change there minds? You’re saying it yourself in previous articles, “It’s a war between Torah and kfira”. Don’t you now see that they don’t get any messages by peaceful demonstrations, an act that does indeed have influence in any other country around the globe. Well, the Eida Hachareidis who are “melumed bemilchama” and have already gone through all this years ago, they know that no language would convince these reshoyim. The only thing left to do is literately try to stop their rishusdiga actions the most possible with physical mesiras nefesh, as was done by the heroic yungeleit who broke into the baracaedes and threw themselves under the tractors. And again I’m not refering to wild acts of damage.

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