A large levaya is set for tomorrow, Thursday, June 24th in France for seven Sifrei Torah destroyed in last Thursday’s fire in the shul of HaRav Yosef Azran z”l, located in the Rova 16 area.
According to fire inspectors, the fire, which resulted in significant damage, was the result of an electrical short circuit.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
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Friday parshat Chukas is a Taanis for the seforim burnt in France
magen AVROHOM SImAM 580
What is the significance of this fast day? It commemorates the burning of 20 wagon-loads of the Talmud and other Sefarim [Rabbinic books] in France. When the event happened, it occurred on the 9th day of Tammuz. However, various Rabbinic authorities of that day learned through dreams that the ’cause’ of the incident was not related to the day on the calendar, but to the fact that it was the day before the Torah reading of Parshas Chukas.