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Rubashkin Refers To Actions Of Court, Prosecution As Wickedness

Former Agriprocessors vice president Sholom Rubashkin remained calm during his sentencing today in U.S. District Court but before the judge came in he said this hearing will “show the wickedness of these people.”

Rubashkin, 50, of Postville, sentenced to 27 years in federal prison for bank fraud and other charges, waved at two rows of friends and family in the courtroom as he came in wearing an orange jail jumpsuit with his hands cuffed and arms chained.

“Why is she crying?” Rubashkin asked someone in the gallery. “You should be crying? They should be crying for what they are doing.”

A few minutes later, a woman in the gallery said loud enough for the U.S. Marshals who were sitting near Rubashkin to hear – “She’s competing with Dracula.”

No other outbursts were heard during the sentencing.

Rubashkin’s wife Leah and her children were quiet during the hearing.

Chief Judge Linda Reade didn’t make any statements during the hearing beyond going over the details of the sentencing.

As in her order filed Monday, Reade ordered Rubashkin to pay more than $26 million in restitution to two banks and one livestock supplier who are identified as victims in the bank fraud case. She said restitution is due immediately and if it’s not paid Rubashkin would have to pay it in monthly increments while in prison.

No additional fine was imposed but a special assessment fee was ordered for $8,600, which was paid in full by Rubashkin June 17.

Guy Cook, Rubashkin’s attorney, requested that Reade grant bail for Rubashkin pending his appeal but the government objected to it and Reade denied the request.

However, Reade did say she would make a general request to the Bureau of Prisons to have Rubashkin transferred to a prison that would “best accommodate his religion.”

Cook had asked that Reade request a prison in Otisville N.Y. or Fort Dix, New Jersey. Both prisons could accommodate his religious requirements.

Rubashkin, 51, of Postville, was convicted by a jury in November of 86 federal counts of bank, mail and wire fraud, money laundering and failure to pay livestock providers in a timely manner. The charges stem from the May 2008 immigration raid at the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Postville where more than 400 illegal workers were arrested.

(Source: Eastern Iowa News)

13 Responses

  1. R’ Shlomo is a broken man. May the RBSH”O give him the strength he so needs to endure this injustice. Sadly, the sentence was already handed down. At this point, we MUST all daven that his appeal be heard by a competent and moral panel. In the event that chas veshalom he is unsuccessful in his appeal… the only hope is for him to be released from his incarceration for “good behavior” as early as possible. Hashem shomrecha, Hashem al yad yeminecha…

  2. Balaboos: I am surprised that you are so knowledgeable of the law. Since when does a federal prisoner get released for good behavior? After appeal there may be other appeals etc. The only way to get released early is by a presidential pardon which unfortunately looks not so promising. Obama won’t pardon because he sentenced him to jail by talking against him two years ago. Next president will likely be a republican and usually they don’t pardon. So, yerachem hashem. We need to daven.

  3. balaboos:

    His name is R’ Shalom and he is not broken. According to well informed sources (i.e. Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz, etc.), his faith is steadfast and he remains in good spirits.

  4. Sechel,

    I’m pretty sure you’re confusing parole, which does not exist in the federal system, and good behavior which does (I believe it can reduce up to 15% of the sentence). Davening is still a good idea though.

  5. Isn’t it just totally amazing how some people on this blog MUST trash what another one says… Sechel Hayoshor: Please find it within the depths of your foolish heart to forgive me for mistaking the name of this chashuver yid. Also, I apologize for not being so legally knowledgable as you. Apparently, you went to law school for much longer than I did and are well versed in legalities. Funny though, I didn’t see your name on the list of cousel representing the defendant…Oh, I’m sorry again!! did I trash you?? Please forgive me, this blog is getting the (sniffle) of me….

  6. I heard that Judge Reade is notorious for issuing harsh sentences. A prosecutor who has witnessed her work on many cases, stated that her sentencing is not based on justice, but on her temperament.
    Maybe she was abused as a child, who knows, and she’s taking her revenge on the society.
    Sadism is a mental condition
    Shouldn’t we insist on a psychiatric evaluation??

  7. I don’t understand how the judge can face herself in the mirror when she wakes up every morning. I hope the sad faces of the Rubashkin children haunt her sleep for the rest of her life until she is greeted by the Malach Hamoves who will escort her to her final reward in Gehenom. May she know no peace not in this world nor in the next.

  8. maybe we can get Obama to pardon the jail sentance. It will be an easy way to gain back the support of the jewish people without upsetting his arab terrorist friends

  9. Please, let’s all try to be b’achdus and be respectful of each other in this blog and everywhere. That will be the biggest z’chus for Mr. Rubashkin. Hashem is the one that is in control of it all and He is the one we must turn to with tefillos and zechusim.

  10. Let us take upon ourselves to daven with more kavonah and take a moment when saying such as the brocha of Matir Asurim.
    As mentioned in previous comment go to site and file a petition. Make sure to foward site to anyone you can.
    For those that are “know it alls of why and how” remember it’s Hashem who runs the world and unfortunately too many good people are openly being tested. Let’s not be mekatrig and try to improve our middos.

  11. It seems to me that one does not need to go to Japan to get a perverted sentance, one can get one right here in the United States!

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