EMANUEL: Rav Greuenwald Decries Injustice in Bar-Lev Case

The situation surrounding the Bar-Lev family of Emanuel began yesterday, Monday, and Rav Bar-Lev still remains behind bars despite the fact that his rebitzen is hospitalized and they have 12 children at home, as was reported earlier by YWN-ISRAEL.

Rav Duki Gruenwald, a friend of the Bar-Levs, questions just how a Jewish country can permit such an injustice, highlighting the hypocrisy of the leftists – the so-called champions of justice and human rights, that haven’t uttered a word concerning the Emanuel children and their plight while parents are in prison and other situations, such as this where the mother is hospitalized.

Many have asked what happened to Dr. Yitzchak Kadmon, who heads the National Child Welfare Council, an ardent advocate for the children of Israel.

Gruenwald stresses this is a fight of the future of the values of yiddishkheit in Eretz Yisrael, pointing out that he is receiving calls from North America and Europe with askanim seeking to understand just how the High Court cannot make a decision to release a father/husband under such circumstances, over 24 hours after a request was filed.

He adds that it is “ridiculous” that the secular media at 3:00pm today announced Justice Levy has not been able to rule in the request since he did not receive it in a timely fashion. “In the meantime, the wife is hospitalized and who is with their 12 children” questions Gruenwald.

He concludes pointing out the obvious, that Rav Bar-Lev is not a terrorist, not a security risk, and he is serving a two-week sentence to satisfy the court’s ego, but nevertheless, it seems that the High Court is having difficultly processing the request while children are at stake.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

42 Responses

  1. What is his source for the statement that Israel is a “Jewish” country? The Israelis claim is a place where Jews fled so they can be free from the yoke of Torah (עם חופשי).
    Once you understand how the bulk of Israelis feel, and why they moved to Israel rather than to a place such as Queens or Los Angeles, is is obvious why they hate Orthodox Jews so much – we are the principal obstacle to the realization of their dream of being able to be goyim without anyone reminding them that their ancestors were Yidden.

  2. #1 we know that . see ‘min hamaitzar’ from reb michoel ber z’tl. but from the yoke of torah they couldve stayed anywhere and throw it off

  3. If it is really Pikuach Nefesh as they claim, can’t he just sign the papers that he will agree to integrate the school and be let free?
    or is it more important to prove that you are racist then to be home with your kids?

  4. Typical akuperma, always bad mouthing Israel and the Jews that live here. Thank HaShem you don’t live here. and you are wrong in all counts, the jews that came to Israel were suffering the effects of the Shoah, and of course many of them lost their faith in HaShem, but Baruch HaShem their offsprings are returning to Torah and Mitzvot. You are the poster child of the excuses to be in galut. With your galut mentality and all it baggage stay there, please don’t come here.

  5. To # samech,
    You are right!! but they are too stubborn to admit it. That’s why they keep spinning this case as no-racial, to hide the facts…

  6. If you thing of the background of people like Justice Levy you should have no question on his behavier, just take a blood test on him you will see no yidishe blood maybe German and the like, to him any mother that would miscarriege is a success for the country = one chareidi less = in his view I’m sure you have no right to call any one NAZI but you have the right to act like one.

  7. #3 you have a real problem with your hashkofa, just like your buddy “ProudOrthodoxJew18”.

    The fact that Gedolei Yisroel led the protest makes whatever silly claims you have about racism null and void. You just said nothing.

    Even so, I will explain it to you, since you are “Sefardi Tahor” as your name says. Before I do that, I will observe that it’s interesting that a person complaining about racism uses a name implying that Ashkenazim or Jews of mixed ancestry are not tahor. Very interesting, isn’t it?

    We (Ashkenazim) lived in places where the goyim (like the Israelis) understood the best way to destroy Yiddishkeit (Yahdut, for you) is to undermine our education. The Israelis are playing the same game, but it won’t work.

    The education of our children is pikuach nefesh mamish (mamash, for you). We will absolutely be moser nefesh when it comes to protecting our childrens’ oilom hazeh *and* oilom habo. I hope even you can understand that.

    And who made you the spokesman for Emmanuel?

    Why don’t you explain why 13 sets of Sefardi parents were listed to be arrested with their Ashkenazi brethren? Are they all Uncle Toms chas v’sholom? Ashkenazi collaborators? Sefardi traitors? Or do they just want the best education from their children, and were accepted in the school on their own merit?

    Why don’t you explain why your traditions are worthless to you that you want to be able to attend an Ashkenazi school. We speak Yiddish and our Loshon Hakodesh is not like yours. We make a hevdel between tav and sav, between komotz and potoch, etc. and you don’t. Why aren’t Sefardi schools good enough for you? Our traditions are precious to us, why aren’t yours to you?

    Why don’t you explain why many of your Sefardi rabbonim (rabbanim) send their children to Ashkenazi mosdos?

    You can’t explain any of this, and you have no answers.

    You’re just angry and flailing and crying racism. It’s devisive, silly, and won’t be productive. Sefaradim and Ashkenazim both have beautiful traditions of Yiddishkeit but we are not the same.

    The fact as the people of Emmanuel have stated is that the issue is about religious v. non-religious, not chas v’sholom Sefardi v. Ashkenazi. All of the articles by people involved in the dispute clearly attest to this.

    Angry, misguided, ignorant posts like yours are fueling the fire and making a controversy where none exists.

    Get your own house in order before you start accusing others of misdeeds, especially when those others are under the hashgocha of Gedolei Yisroel.

  8. Akuperman is exactly right. And he did not badmouth Jews, he spoke the truth about the Israelis.

    I don’t know if you can tell the difference, but he and I certainly can.

    And I do live in Eretz Yisroel, so come down off your high, medina-loving horse.

    Quite frankly, I am surprised the moderators allow such leftist postings. Jewish postings are never tolerated on (am) Haaretz, Ynet, etc. So why do does YWN feel obligated to give voice to the smolanim here?

  9. Nothing that kuperman said deserves such rudeness. In point of fact, a large sector of israel are clear and simple ‘rishaim gemurim’. This is a country that has gay pride parades ect. And I DO LIVE IN ISRAEL!!!

    As to you samaech, just because you feel that its racism, does not make it so. Almost all yeshivot decide who to accept based on the gedolim. I know that you feel its unjust that they dont ask you, but life is unfair.

  10. Samshark, I mean samshtark, proudorthodoxjew18 and I are totally different people. You and akusperma ‎are wrong. I’m, as rightwing as I can be. You said that you live here in Israel, I see by you posting that you ‎are an anti-Zionist freeloader; you hate the Medinah and call all the Israeli Jews “goyim” and “Nazis”, but ‎love the benefits of the Medinah like kupat cholim, electricity, water, phone service and transportation. I ‎bet you didn’t lift a finger for our brother that were expelled from gush katif, because that was outside of ‎your 4 amot of “eretz Israel”. I’m a proud Zionist Torah Jew, and if you can’t handle that, Tough!‎

  11. #11 you can be as right wing as can be but certainly you dont post like one. by the way skinheads etc are also as rightwing….

  12. #11 “I’m, as rightwing as I can be”

    That’s very impressive. Let’s have a little history lesson:

    Israelis themselves are the world’s biggest freeloaders, the country exists only through the largesse of America. If it weren’t for American money, arms, etc., etc., etc. there would be no state of Israel, no kupat cholim, no nothing. The Israelis can’t make a move without permission from the American government.

    You can say Hallel on Yom HaAtzvaut all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that Israel is little more than an American puppet state without even as much autonomy as New York. Who’s your president, bubby? The Tzionim are baalei aveirahs and shakronim.

    #11 “I’m a proud Zionist Torah Jew”

    That’s a contradiction in terms. You’re an am haaretz. Zionism is an issur d’oriasoh; you’re not fooling anybody but yourself. “Zionist” and Torah lehavdil do not go together, and neither do “Zionist” and Jew.

    #11 “if you can’t handle that, Tough!‎”

    Actually, you’re the one who is going to have to handle it. I wish you a lot of hatzlocho. Maybe one day you’ll live up to your name and just identify as a Torah Yid instead of being a proud right-wing Tzioni.

  13. Tzfat Yid, you are wrong!! Your commiting the sin of lashon haRah against Am Israel by speaking like that. ‎Yes, this country is not perfect but, is our only Home, that HaShem gave us. Unfortunately, there is a gay ‎parade, but also there are charedim pedophiles, thieves and wife beaters, those that make them all ‎reshaim gemorim??? No, just as because there is a gay parade, does not make all Israeli Jews are reshaim ‎gemorim!. If the religious establishment would have extended their hands to the chilonim instead of ‎kicking them out because they are not “religious” enough, we would have a different country today, and ‎don’t give me the same lame excuse that the socialist at the beginning of the re-creation of the State of ‎Israel were G-d Haters, because there were many that despite that happening, they wanted to learn and ‎keep the mitzvoth.‎

  14. And I should remind you Tzionim, since you have such short memories and are so talented at historical revisionism, that the memshuleh, may it speedily in our days be wiped out of existence, is only 60 years old. Funny how you smolanim make a point of forgetting that. Israelis don’t belong here, but Jews do.

    Jews have been living here more or less for 3,300 years, and you should know we were all quite happy before the memshuleh and we’ll be even happier after it’s gone.

  15. #11 and another thing, why don’t you and the rest of the Tzionim call a Nazi a Nazi? Because you’re cowards who stand for nothing.

    How was throwing 10,000 Jews out of their homes in Gush Katif different to what the goyim did to us in Europe? The Israelis behaved like Nazis.

    How is throwing parents in jail to force them to lower their education standards different to what the goyim did to us in Europe? The Israelis behaved like Nazis.

    Nazi is as Nazi does…and let us not forget what the word Nazi means: National Socialists. That sounds a lot like you tzionim. Kind of scary if you stop think about it. But you would have to have actually cracked open a sefer or two to understand this. That can’t happen to a person claiming to be a Jew who has more allegiance to a brand and a state than he has to Torah. How sad!

    How are you going to argue the point now?

  16. to take this a bit further, it is not the education that is in question here, as i am sure that the teachers and morahs of the Sephardic girl’s school in Emmanuel feel that they are teaching the proper halacha …. it is the governing body that actually dictates all the standards of halacha – mainly followed by the Sephardim – in Israel… the shas party and the rabbanut (if i have this right) represent Torah (their version of Torah) and are taken at face value… many Sephardim truly feel that this agency has their best interests at heart… and trust their judgment on all things halachic … but, unfortunately, there is a major deception going on here… for one thing, this ‘halachic’ authority does not require terumah and maaser from the Jewish farms that supply their food… Terumah and maaser is a mitzvah unique to Israel and requires produce purchased from Jewish owned farms to observe these two remarkable mitzvot … the rabbanut purchases produce from secular Jewish moshavim and kibbutzim that do not practice this… therefore, according to all true halachic standards… the kitchen and the cafeteria in the Sephardic girl’s school in Emmanuel is treif … it is more than the education… it is the kitchen… how can the hareidi send their girls to a school with a treif kitchen? in other words … according to my son in yeshiva … make this school so that the RamBam, the Chazon Ish, and Rav Yosef Caro can send their girls to eat in this school’s cafeteria … and the hareidi would have no problem sending their girls there…

  17. to SamShtark
    I will answer all your questions and attempt to not make it personal as u have.

    As for the Gedole Yisrael, I respect their opnion greatly, weigh the facts and then decice on my own. I couldn’t care less what you thought of my opinion.

    2. by claiming I am Sepharadi Tahor, I am claiming I am a pure Sepaharadi, just that. No one is implying anything about anyone. Yes, we are proud that we have kept our traditions for 2000 years without a break.

    3. It is nice that you are moser nefesh for your childrens chinuch, it is not nice that you are doing it on other people’s account

    4. I made myself the spokesman for Emanuel’s Sephardic kid. במקום שאין איש

    5. There are self-hating Sepharadim, as hard as it is for me to say it. They prefer not to accosiate with their brethern who refuse to change their culture. They prefer to teach their children in Yiddish to be accepted in the general Haredi public

    6. As for some Sepharadi Rabbis sending their children to Ashkenazi Mosdot, each for his own reason and I can not answer for them. Nor does that matter.

    7. Informed posts are what Yeshiva world is here for, and we thank YWN for opening up the subjects to debate, this is the only way solutions can be found.

    8. My house is in order.

  18. Some facts to ponder,
    almost all Ashkenazi Mosdot in Israel have caps on how many Sepharadim they accept, anything between 5-30%. Whatever the cap is, It exists and it shouldn’t and it must be acknowledged as a problem. Whether the Sephardic kids should be applying there is not the issue, though in my opinion they shouldn’t.

    We all agree that it is better for the Courts not to get involved in the school systems, that is what the gedolim protested. The Gedolim as great as they are, do not know the individual parents of the denied children, and do not know if race was a factor. They protested the fact that the court got involved.

    A wall was built between the Sephardic and Ashkenaz classes, was this really necessary?

    The school existed for many years in peace, the Slonimers came in to an existing institution and split the classes

  19. #18 “As for the Gedole Yisrael, I respect their opnion greatly, weigh the facts and then decice on my own. ”

    This says it all. “Deciding on your own” is not derech haTorah. And isn’t it sad that this *exact* problem is at the root of the whole issue. People didn’t listen to the Rabbonim. It’s pretty clear where you’re holding from your posts. I am not going to discuss anything further with you, you have a non-kosher agenda and this isn’t the right site for that kind of hashkofa.

  20. to yoheved
    your post was a great example of why women should not lear Torah.
    the issue of Teruma and Maaser is an issue which has been debated by all our great leaders for a thousand years at least. Your post makes it as if Sepharadim just ignore a portion of the Torah.
    If something has not has terumaot removed it is not treif, trief can only apply to meat foods.

    If anything, Bet Yosef’s Shechita is more stringent and according the Shulchan Aruch if a Sepharadi eats from Ashkenazi Shechita it is Treif. I for one, did not eat meat in my stay in Israel in Yeshiva for this very reason.

    Lastly, the kitchen has absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Emanuel, please read the hundred posts that YWN has already posted on this subject to learn the basics.

  21. “” “Deciding on your own” is not derech haTorah.”””

    Since when?
    Yoav Lalum had his own Rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yosef and he followed his very words. He has 33 other RAbbis who signed and encouraged him anony. for obvious reasons.
    Why are your Rabbis the Gedolim and not mine? What makes one RAbbi greater then the other, public opinion? your opinion? newspapers?

  22. i just want to remind everyone … that when the Moshiach gets here, all of this ‘nit picking’ on whose ‘holier than thou’ will be a thing of the past … and everyone – the Ashkenazim, Sephardim, gerim, baal teshuvas, etc. – will hold by one ruling … as it might be a blending of all our ancestral halachas ….. i think it might be a good idea to start practice getting along now … simply because peace and harmony will prevail during the reign of the Moshiach … and it might be more difficult living peacefully then if we don’t start practicing now…

  23. Anybody who is of Jewish decent or a has been properly converted is a Jew, no matter who irreligious he now is. Speaking badly about a large group of such Jews(Israelis,for example) without a very valid reason is a limud kategoria on Klal Isroel. We learn it from Eliyahu HaNavi, who complained to H”BHu about Jews, who were killing n’viim etc.

  24. #1 – Israel defines itself as a Jewish, but not religious state. As for what exactly that means, your guess is as good as mine.

    #3 – “If it is really Pikuach Nefesh as they claim, can’t he just sign the papers that he will agree to integrate the school and be let free?”
    Who ever said this is a case of Pikuach Nefesh? I didn’t see those words mentioned in the above article.
    “or is it more important to prove that you are racist then to be home with your kids?”
    There is no racism in Emanuel. Period. What happened was that the Slonimer Chassidim did not want to send their daughters to a school that was attended by girls that did not not have the same religious standards. Therefore, the school was split into two tracks – one for the more chareadi, and one for the less chareadi. Because many of the less chaerdi girls happened to be Sephardim, the Israeli High Court said this was racism, and that all the girls must be educated together. Look at it this way – how would you feel if your daughters were suddenly being taught in a class of people who looked at yiddishkeit in a very different way than you do? Not only that, but the High Court did not allow the Emanuel parents to send their daughters to a different school. Now the Gedolim have led us in protesting the secular Israeli High Court deciding what schools chaeridim must go to, and who can go where.

    #6 – Justice Levy may be incompetent, he may be anti-religious, but he is certainly no nazi. We cheapen the the holocaust by calling everybody who disagrees with us “nazis”, and we weaken the label of anti-semite when we place it on anyone who disagrees with us.

    #7 – “The fact that Gedolei Yisroel led the protest makes whatever silly claims you have about racism null and void. You just said nothing.”
    TorahJew18 apparently doesn’t put much by what the Gedolim say, as he has made clear in http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/Headlines+&+Breaking+Stories/63052/Poll:+Shas+Supporters+Dissatisfied+with+Handling+of+Emanuel+Affair.html (Which btw TorahJew18 I have posted a response to you on that story)

    #11 – “you hate the Medinah and call all the Israeli Jews “goyim” and “Nazis”, but ‎love the benefits of the Medinah like kupat cholim, electricity, water, phone service and transportation. I ‎bet you didn’t lift a finger for our brother that were expelled from gush katif”
    That’s a pretty heavy charge to level against somebody, especially considering that you have probably never met SamShtark, and do not have access to any information about him on which to base these charges. How do you know that SamShtark relies on the state of Israel for his “electricity, water, phone service and transportation”? Do you have access to all his financial records? And why would you assume “you didn’t lift a finger for our brother that were expelled from gush katif”?

  25. the discrimination must stop. the court must be stopped- this story is just so absurd. today i feel galus so strong. i am crying. the great rabbis of the generation cant put a stop to all this? if they dont sit at the same table(to work this out for example,) how can we be expected to do so?!

  26. to samech tet – i usually don’t like replying to an individual… but in this case … for your information, the kitchen is very much part of the reason the hareidi girls are not being sent to this yeshiva. my son was at the demonstration … and while you are determined to make this a ‘hareidi/Ashkenazi vs. Sephardim’ issue … it is not … the issue of terumah and maaser is critical to all foods grown in Israel … and many people are becoming more and more scrupulous about it… in the last few years it has become a huge issue among many hareidi families and yeshivas … and their budget for israeli produce has increased considerably since they have moved to purchase foods only from farms that practice this … not many in Israel … unfortunately for some, the remarkable opportunities to practice more mitzvot in Israel than Jews have had to for thousands of years in golus seems to be considered an inconvenience and a burden … and not the incredible blessing that it truly is…

  27. #14 – “Unfortunately, there is a gay ‎parade, but also there are charedim pedophiles, thieves and wife beaters, those that make them all ‎reshaim gemorim???”
    The obvious difference being that the gay pride parade is officially accepted by the Israeli government, while none of the above things that you have said are accepted by the Chareadi community in any way.
    “If the religious establishment would have extended their hands to the chilonim instead of ‎kicking them out because they are not “religious” enough, we would have a different country today”
    Are you serious? Do you know what the original zionists were? The original zionists had one thing in mind – make a state, so we will be safe. They didn’t care if this state was in Palestine or in Uganda. These people were out to create a “new jew” – a jew who could take care of himself, a jew who CH”V had no need for the Torah and the Ribbonon shel Olam. There many stories how the zionists treated the Yemenites when they first came to Israel and trust me, they did far more than not accept them into the school of their choice. They used to take the kids to the hospital on some false health problem, tell the parents that they died, and then put the children into secular homes so they would grow up not frum. This wold happen regularly. Their standard response to religion was “this isn’t europe anymore.” If it had been up to the zionists, there would be no Torah today.

    #16 – We cheapen the the holocaust by calling everybody who disagrees with us “nazis”, and we weaken the label of anti-semite when we place it on anyone who disagrees with us.

    #22 – Relying on a gadol with a controversial opinion is fine, but that’s not what you did. You said, and I quote, “As for the Gedole Yisrael, I respect their opnion greatly, weigh the facts and then decide on my own.” You made it very clear that you were not relying on any Daas Torah, but making up your own position. And that is wrong. I have more to say on the subject but do not have the time right now to repeat it, but it can be found at http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/Headlines+&+Breaking+Stories/63052/Poll:+Shas+Supporters+Dissatisfied+with+Handling+of+Emanuel+Affair.html

  28. #29 mw13 feel free to post a link where it has been reported that sfardi gedoilim and ashkenazi gedoilim sat to discuss this problem any time in the four years that it has taken for bagatz to make its crazy verdict. make no mistake- we look to our gedoilim and batei din to solve our problems – shouldn’t they have handled this problem too? can ANYONE out there tell me why they have not?

  29. Somebody once asked the Chazon Ish why doesnt he endorse having dialogue with the chiloni govermnet?
    The chazon Ish answered that the chareidi and secular dont speak the same language. The questioner was puzzled, ‘but we both speak hebrew”? The chazon Ish replied, “what they call love we call karet!”

  30. Why all the argueing ? what goverment who goverment when goverment ? The Israeli goverment is not a goverment, they are a bunch of murderers,(sunk ships full of refugees by the end of WW2) kidnappers, (thousands of Teimener children) Liers, Mechitzufim, Bums etc. The country doesn’t have a constitution, The so called “low court” just goes about ordering people what to do based on their schyciatric twisted warped thinking. They are nothing but loathsome arrogant ignorant immoral weak characters trying to force their revolution against the boss of this world unto other rightous noble moral men. why spend an extra minute trying to explain or defend the holy moral noble Chareidim’s position against these bums.
    people who stood by coldly while their brothers were murdered in the millions and didnt lift a finger to help them or people who robbed thousends of childrens from their grief stricken parents or people who don’t have the slightest conscience about killing robbing or trampling anyone who stands in their way dont deserve we should discuss their views (if you can call their egoistic emotions that way)

  31. #30 – When you said that the Gedolim aren’t sitting at the same table, I assumed you meant that they were actively disagreeing with each other, and therefore not talking to one another. Now, however, I see that you simply meant to say that the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Gedolim have not sat down to fix the problem, and you are wondering why.
    First of all, I still believe that it is entirely possible that the Gedolim have indeed communicated with each other about this issue, albeit not to the public.
    If however the Gedolim have not met, as you claim,perhaps they do not see a problem that they need to sit down and discuss. As I have said earlier (in comment #25 in my second response to comment #3), I do not believe there was any discrimination in Emanuel.

  32. to farfrumt… exactly…not to mention the ‘kitchen’ issue again… but my son in yeshiva in Israel couldn’t go to my cousin’s home for Shabbos because his family (my cousin) accepted the kashrus of the rabbanut … i was floored that the ashkenazi gedolom in Israel were on a different page altogether regarding kashrus than the Sephardim … it took explaining this to relatives (they couldn’t believe that the rabbanut wasn’t scrupulous about terumah and maaser) for me to fully understand this… how could an entire wing of gedolom not enforce this crucial mitzvah? not saying it is wholly a Sephardic issue (many Ashkenazim go by the rabbanut) .. but how can a leading ‘halachic authority’ consider this mitzvah (unique to Israel) optional? …. what these great (Ashkenazi and Sephardic) gedolim and leaders of our generation in Israel need to do now is learn Torah together… and create an integrated governing board that overlooks major areas of halacha… like kashrus!

  33. #34 – “what these great (Ashkenazi and Sephardic) gedolim and leaders of our generation in Israel need to do now is learn Torah together… and create an integrated governing board that overlooks major areas of halacha… like kashrus!”
    First of all, the Gedolim are than capable of figuring out what they should and should not be doing. Secondly, when it comes to halacha Ashkenazim and Sephardim have different minhagim. There is no need to “integrate” them: the Sephardim follow the pesak of Sephardi Gedolim, and the Ashkenazim the Ashkenazi Gedolim.

  34. It was מרן חיד”א over two hundred years ago who commented that ספרדים follow the מדה of חסד and אשכנזים follow גבורה. This has not changed over the years as evident by the approach taken by both sides with dealing with ציונות, חוזרי בתשובה and a host of other issues. The Supreme Court ruling was outrageous by putting the onus of integration on the parents, some of the poorest and disenfranchised people in the country. So this is pretty absurd. And of course, the basic right of religious freedom was denied them, since they were not allowed to remove their children from the classroom. But the idea that they can one day decide on dividing a school into two that was hitherto a single school and put a fence down the middle is just outrageous. I am saying this as an Azhkenazi. I could imagine how the Sefardim feel.

  35. #33 you can ask anyone living in a major chareidi city in israel: discrimination exists . i personally know of two families that changed their last names because the school would not accept them otherwise. (both sfardim, one added the suffix ‘witz ‘ to their last name and one adopted an ashkenazi grandparents last name- crazy huh?) why they wanted that mosod is a dif question(not mine or your biz) but i ask- will one more sfardi family(with a sfardi sounding name) destroy the name of the school?! i guess so. so if you dont know the facts, please dont bother to comment on the situation .

    wake up people, this disease has already landed on America’s shores – in the form of separate yeshivas for ‘working’ and learning’ families in lakewood. same idea. who is holier ? ashenazim or sfardim? ‘workers’ or ‘learners’?

  36. #37 – “discrimination exists… so if you dont know the facts, please dont bother to comment on the situation”
    I never said that there is no discrimination. I said there was no discrimination in Emanuel.
    “this disease has already landed on America’s shores – in the form of separate yeshivas for ‘working’ and learning’ families in lakewood. same idea.”
    I fail to see how having separate programs to cater to the needs of both learning and working boys is discrimination. Sounds like common sense to me.

  37. Farfrumt, you are right — almost 2 years in golus, and still we have not learnt the lesson.
    For the Israel-bashers, the state of Israel is a fact. And it is a regional superpower at that, and not a toy country. You have to act accordingly. Just as you would not defy the British or the American government, do not defy the Israeli one, but be unshakeable in your mitsvos observance.

  38. Mw13, we are talking about children of working fathers not getting accepted into a yeshiva because their fathers work as opposed to learning full-time.

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