JUST IN: 9 Emanuel Women to Serve Jail Time!

The Supreme Court on Tuesday afternoon released its ruling regarding the Emanuel women. Nine of the women will are compelled to serve their two-week jail sentences when their husbands get out.

The remainder of the women will not be incarcerated, those who are pregnant or nursing. It would appear the publicity against the court did impact the decision, albeit partially. Their names will also not be published in compliance with their request.

Regarding R’ Yehuda Fuchsman and R’ Ami Barber, their date for reporting to jail has been set for 22 Tammuz. They are instructed to report to the Russian Compound detention center on that day at 10:00am.

The court added it plans another hearing in the case on Sunday, (June 27th) and that session will also be a ‘closed-door’ hearing as a result of the disrespectful response of the tzibur in the first hearing.

More details to follow as they become available.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. The Supreme Court wants to appear humanitarian. No one is going to buy it. Why should those that are pregnant be exempt any more than mothers with children? At least the ones expecting would be together with their future child in prison. That can’t be said for the mothers who will be torn from their children. If the Supreme Court can exempt pregnant mothers, there is no reason not to exempt them all. Selective compassion is no compassion at all. Shame on them.

  2. I DO understand AND agree with the right of these chareidim (or of ANYONE) to be able to move their kids to a different school.
    BUT… As far as government influence in how the school is run, – this will always be a problem as long as you are in a school taking government money.
    If you want independence from government rules, you have to operate independent of government money.

  3. Humor:
    When Yankel Litzman was asked ????
    what would of happened to Mr. Lalum have he started up with GUR versus Slonim
    he smiled and said
    “that Mr. Lalum would of said Shema Yisroel”!!!!!!!

  4. #3 the school is part of chinuch atzmai. They are not completely state funded, so they do have the right to say what goes on in their school. Chinuch atzmai was from the beggining of the medina, it’s understood the state can not interfere in their programs. What happened was an abortion of justice, unprecedented attack on Jews by the Israelis.

  5. To#4, you are not funny at all!!!, all these people criticized the Medinah, the courts and everyone else but they fail to look at themselves in the mirror that they are the ones at fault, they hate the Medinah, but take advantage of everything from electricity to cellphone service. would not serve in the army but they love to feel protected (especially now that gas masks are being distributed. Don’t want to teach math or english in yeshivot, but they want the money and the support. and if they take the money, they have to give account for it, like it or not.

  6. #6 – “all these people” do more for Israel than serve in the army. They protect it with the zechus, of Torah, the best shmirah there is. “Aleh v’rechev v’aleh b’susim, v’anachnu b’shaim Hashem Elokainu nasker!”

  7. Besides all the human rights & child welfare groups -a) how come Netanyahu has been so absolutely quiet about this whole affair, and b) why don’t the jewish organizations of chutz la’aretz pressure the government that if they don’t do something about the matzav, they’ll just stop giving them money?

  8. The court added it plans another hearing in the case on Sunday, (June 27th) and that session will also be a ‘closed-door’ hearing as a result of the disrespectful response of the tzibur in the first hearing.

    Is this a joke?!? If it is it’s not that funny!

  9. #7 – There is no racism in Emanuel. What happened was that the Slonimer Chassidim did not want to send their daughters to a school that was attended by girls that did not not have the same religious standards. Because these girls happened to be Sephardim, the Israeli High Court said this was racism, and did not allow the Emanuel parents to send their daughters to a different school. Now the Gedolim have led us in protesting the secular Israeli High Court deciding what schools chaeridim must go to.

    #9 – “why don’t the jewish organizations of chutz la’aretz pressure the government ”
    Visit http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=63204

  10. To mw13,
    “These people do more for Israel”, please don’t insult my intelligence, these people are anti- Medinah Israel and anti-zionist, all they care about is their 4 amot of “eretz Israel”, they don’t care what happens in YESHA, or what happened to our brothers in Gush Katif, that is a FACT…
    And you keep spinning the same lame excuse that this is not about racism. This, have been going on for years!!.
    To “proud orthodox jew” you said that “six out of the nine bothers are sfaradim” WRONG!!! ONLY 3 were sefaradim that converted to the ashkenazi way of life!!! so that means that they are now considered “ashkenazim”!!!

  11. Exactly what law was broken?

    Did the Knesset pass a law on discrimination?
    How is discrimination defined? By race, religion, country of origin, sexual preference?
    How is discrimination measured? By absolute discrimination, discrimination by result?
    Does religious discrimination apply to religious institutions?

    Did the Judges create a new law based on the consensus of world legal opinion?

    Who gave the Supreme Court the right to make new laws?

    If the Supreme Court is making laws that cannot be appealed then it is functioning as a Constitutional Court. But Israel has no Constitution and the Supreme Court was never given the right to function as one.

    Do laws made in the 50s and 60s in the United States, or in Europe have any bearing on Supreme Court decisions?

    Who said the consensus of national law, based on common law, which is based on Roman law should be the fundamental basis of Israel Law?

    Perhaps instead of Roman Law as a base, we should look to Torah values as a base for inspiration.

    In any event this question has never been settled in Israel and for a minority segment of the population to insist on Roman Law / Common Law / consensus of national law is in effect usurping the law for its own secular purposes.

    Israel has never been defined as a secular state, yet Judical activists are doing exactly that.

  12. Maybe Peres y”s will give the High Court one of his “Righteous Among the Nations” awards since they spared some of the mothers?

  13. #14 – ““These people do more for Israel”, please don’t insult my intelligence, these people are anti- Medinah Israel and anti-zionist, all they care about is their 4 amot of “eretz Israel”, they don’t care what happens in YESHA, or what happened to our brothers in Gush Katif, that is a FACT”
    I do not see you bringing any facts into this discussion, only a disgusting stereotype of the average Chaerdi. How could you possibly know how every Chaerdi felt about Gush Katif? Did you walk around every Chaerdi neighborhood in E”Y taking a poll? And then you get all worked up at reports of discrimination…
    And if saying that learning Torah is a far better shmirah then serving in the army insults your intelligence, I will be proud to insult your intelligence any day.

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