Agudath Israel Reacts to Rubashkin Sentencing

Reacting to U. S. District Court Judge Linda Reade’s sentencing of former Agriprocessors CEO Sholom Rubashkin to 27 years in prison and five years probation, Agudath Israel of America executive vice president Chaim Dovid Zwiebel issued the following statement:

This is a dark day.

It is a dark day for American justice. Judge Reade has ignored not only the expert opinion of six former United States Attorneys General and numerous other high-ranking former Justice Department officials that Mr. Rubashkin’s sentence should be significantly less than that recommended by the U.S. Attorney; she has imposed a sentence even more draconian than what the U.S. Attorney sought. There is something very wrong with this picture.

It is a dark day, as well, for American Jewry. While none of us condones any wrongdoing by Mr. Rubashkin, the extraordinary severity of the sentence imposed upon one of our Jewish brothers sends chills of shock and apprehension down our collective spine. This is a horrifying development.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. “the sentence imposed upon one of our Jewish brothers sends chills of shock and apprehension down our collective spine”
    Wake Up Yidden.
    The handwriting IS on the wall.

  2. Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin is very special and has been chosen by Hashem to be the messenger to get the entire Klal yisroel ( ME INCLUDED) to do Teshuva & return to Hashem without saying asking questions.

    We can all clearly see that right now in this generation we are missing the bond & responsibility of one Jew to another. when the entire klall yisroel bonds together as one & does Teshuva then we are all ready for to receive help from Hashem and ready for the Ge’ula UNTIL THEN hashem is waiting & begging us to do Teshuva & return to him, as a son to a father.

    Same time I assume the women of Emanuel will be forced into jail, because WE are lacking Achudas and Teshuva.

    *******We still have some time on our hands lets Daven and beg Hashem for his help, because only Hashem can and will help us.*******

    May we all be Zocha for the Geulah in the very near future. AMEN

  3. Since you won’t do it, Let me say it bluntly, Mr. Zweibel:

    Linda Reade, Bill Clinton leftist appointee, is an out-and-out anti-Semite.

    She has actively cooperated with a corrupt criminal proceeding that sought to crucify this decent man, without regard to the facts of the case and to elementery considerations of justice, fair play and common sense.

    “Have you no shame, Judge read?”

  4. She’s a George Bush appointee, not a Clinton appointee.

    In any case, 27 years is absurd. I don’t understand why the defense was comparing this to a case where someone else got 1 yr and 1 day, yet asked for 5 years. Something must have been different about this case to ask for 5, but 27… did he murder someone or something?

  5. Number #% unfortunately she was picked by George W. Bush

    one can google it.

    IT makes no difference they are all Anti Semites They just use us for the votes and then toss us aside like a candy wrapper

  6. re deepthinker:

    If you can believe Wikipedia, she was appointed by George W. Bush in 2002 on the recommendation of Sen. Grassley, a Republican.

  7. #7 That is because Bush is still a liberal, not nearly as liberal as Obama but he is certainly no conservative.

    No conservative would ever have appointed anyone LIKE her.

  8. Since you won’t do it, let me say it bluntly, Mr. Zweibel:

    The fix was in long before Linda Reade was chosen as the executioner. The Anti-Semitic Justice Department has always treated Yiden with extreme harshness.

  9. The focus of our feelings and emotions at this time should not be the legal system nor some puppet judge. Rather, we must feel the pain of Shalom Rubashkin and his family, as they need to deal with this ominous sentence. By concentrating on the legalities, essentially we’re digressing from the main issue and thinking about ourselves. Let the Mavinim do their work, and the rest of us should beg Hashem to help our dear brother.

  10. To no 10:

    Conservative Senator Chuck Grassley probably picked her to show that he believes in equal opportunity for women.

    Unfortunately, she is not qualified for the position. At the Rubashkin trial, she demonstrated that she lacks judicial temperament, a basic requirement for a judge.

    That’s what happens when you select an “Affirmative Action” pick.

  11. I would like to know who this judge’s chevra are. With all the protests, petitions, statements by several attorneys general in Rubashkin’s favor, with even the prosecutor asking for less of a sentence than she imposed, I do NOT believe she would have taken this stand ON HER OWN!
    She had to have people in high places, telling her to do this, and/or at least supporting her doing this.
    I would like to know whom they are?
    Could it be the obamists???

  12. A little bit about Senator Chuck Grassley;

    “Grassley was among 20 co-sponsors of a 1993 Senate bill that would have mandated health insurance for Americans.”

    This is a liberal position, he is no conservative.

  13. #10 – “Bush is still a liberal” Could’ve fooled me. If you consider Bush a liberal, who do you think is a “real” conservative?
    “No conservative would ever have appointed anyone LIKE her.” Why not? Being incompetent and/or anti-semitic has nothing to do with being liberal/conservative.

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