Poll: Shas Supporters Dissatisfied with Handling of Emanuel Affair

Shas’ Moetzas Gedolei HaTorah did not come out condemning the Emanuel affair, but rather the Rabbonim Shlita maintained a passive position, condemning the petition to the secular judicial system as well as discrimination in Ashkenazi schools.

According to a poll commissioned by Yediot Achronot, conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach and her Dahaf Institute, Shas voters are not pleased with the party’s position in the controversial case. 47% of the respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the party’s position as compared to 41% approving.

52% of Shas voters support the court’s decision to send the Emanuel parents to prison, while 46% believe the court’s decision was inappropriate. 43% of Shas supporters believe the Ashkenazi chareidim are responsible for the entire situation.

Some of the more well-known Shas activists are not taking matters sitting down, speaking openly about breaking away and launching a new party in response to Shas’ inaction throughout the Emanuel ordeal.

Some of the disenchanted party activists point out that Shas was established to defend and advance the Sephardi agenda, adding they believe the reason the Shas princes preferred to remain silent is because many of their children are being educated in Ashkenazi mosdos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

23 Responses

  1. Rav Ovadia did not come out to speak against the other “gedolim” as not to start a “war” between Sefaradim and ashkenazim, just as rav Eliyashiv did not wanted to sign on a kol kore against Mr Lalum and Rav Yaakov Yosef. As a Sefardic Jew, I’m very disappointed that Rav Ovadia did say anything against this racial segregation early enough.

  2. “47% of the respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the party’s position as compared to 41% approving. 52% of Shas voters support the court’s decision to send the Emanuel parents to prison, while 46% believe the court’s decision was inappropriate. 43% of Shas supporters believe the Ashkenazi chareidim are responsible for the entire situation.”
    Shas tends to get votes from traditional Sephardim, who get their information from the mainstream, anti-religious Israeli media. Therefore, they have a very different viewpoint on this then we do.

  3. To# 2, unfortunately, the “religious” media is also very bias, and to them everything is “anti-charedi”. From the beginining of this case the “religious” media have been spininig this news in many directions. The bottom line is that last week march was a total chilul HaShem in the sense that it pays off to be a racist in religious circles, and have the “gedolim” support it, but have to be sugar coated as the secular against the religious.

  4. I don’t understand why people don’t realize there is no racial segregation in this case. There are two tracks in the school, religious and non-religious (eat treif, total non-religious life style). There are plenty of Sephardim in both tracks. There are certain standards needed in order to be in the religious track, nothing wrong with that. Many schools in America also have such standards. The court was willing to set up a committee to review each student and decide which track they should be in. But Lalum did not agree to this. He is just anti-religious, trying to force the religious to go away from their religion.

  5. #3 – For the last time, there is no racism in Emanuel. Period. What happened was that the Slonimer Chassidim did not want to send their daughters to a school that was attended by girls that did not not have the same religious standards. Because these girls happened to be Sephardim, the Israeli High Court said this was racism, and did not allow the Emanuel parents to send their daughters to a different school. Now the Gedolim have led us in protesting the secular Israeli High Court deciding what schools chaeridim must go to.

  6. To# what are you talking about??? do you live here in Israel??? The school in Emmanuel is a religious one, unfortunately, like in many cities people come and people go, a new school house was built, and the old one was semi-vacant, there were the filling up with students began and as ashkenazim began the mayority and the sefaradim the minority, then all these racial issues began, but the religious media spinned the news as they saw beneficial as not to create more machloket than what was already happening. Mr Lalum is a charedi sefardic Jew, that unfortunately have been vilified by the ashkenazim for exposing all this issue.

  7. To#5, get you facts straight before you continue with the same lame excuse. Do you live here in Israel? if not stop the hear say!!

  8. Ony hashem knows what was a hilul or kidush hashem. My oppinion does not matter. All i can say is that Moshiah did not come after the protest.

    Its sad that some askenazim cant agree that there is some NATURAL discrimination in almost all ashkenazi mosdos. I hope hashem forgives each and every of them.

    According to me, Shas, like many SEFARADI GEDOLIM should not partake of this garbage.

  9. The rally was a Kiddush Hashem. Although there may be issues with discrimination, that is not what took place in Emanuel and that is why the only comments made by all true gedolim including Harav Ovadia Yosef were against the BaGaTZ and NEVER against the rally.

  10. to “torahjew”, may i ask you what torah do you follow to name yourself after?
    you call the march last thursday a chillul hashem, do you know that a lot of gedolei israel were there including sephardim as well. do you live in israel, if this is important anyway? shame on you!
    would be interessting to know from who you ask your torah-issues and hashkofe advises.
    shut your mouth and don`t mix other jidden up with your stupid talk, better learn what you are named after, and maybe you get smarter.

  11. #6 – “Mr Lalum is a charedi sefardic Jew, that unfortunately have been vilified by the ashkenazim for exposing all this issue.” And yet according to Harav Ovadya Yosef, Lalum has no Olam Haba. And yet the Bais DIn that he dealt with said he is a (and I quote) “liar and he cannot be trusted”.

    #8 – “get you facts straight before you continue with the same lame excuse.” Instead of debating facts, you have instead resorted to childish insults. How does that help you prove your point?

    #9 – “All i can say is that Moshiah did not come after the protest.” According to that logic, I guess there has never been a Kiddush Hashem in the past 2000+ years.
    “Its sad that some askenazim cant agree that there is some NATURAL discrimination in almost all ashkenazi mosdos.” And its equally sad when jews accuse jews of racism due to untruthful reports in the Israeli media.

    Again, I am not condoning racism. I am saying that there was no racism in Emanuel.

  12. Editors Note: Feel free to post comments, but anything written that takes a shot a gedolei hador will not be approved, such as writing something about those “gedolim”.
    We won’t allow you to use this forum to mock the daas torah of Rav Elyashiv, Rav Shteinman, Rav Wosner, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Karelitz, Rav Lefkowitz.

  13. To the editor,
    first of all, I’m not mocking those gedolim by name and their daat haTorah, yes, they are not my gedolim and I do respect them as fellow Jews and Rabbanim, but I do not agree with their position of making these people heroes,knowing that their actions were not correct. And supporting racial segregation between Jews is not the Torah way no matter how gadol hador they might be.

  14. To the editors,
    Also, and for you to post your note as insinuating that I mocked those Rabbis is insulting and opens for unwanted Lashon haRa, so much for a religious site. People have freedom of speech, and you might not agree with my opinion, but that doesn’t give you the right to censor me if this is a public forum.

    Moderators Note: YWN can censor anything they want on this site.

  15. Dear YWN
    Exactly why was such an article posted? Everyone knows that Yediot Achronot is biased against Torah Jewry, and will use any opportunity to create sinas chinam. How could you buy into this?

  16. YWN Editor – Thank you for keeping this site worthy of its name.

    #17 – “but I do not agree with their position of making these people heroes,knowing that their actions were not correct.”
    Who are you to disagree with the united Gedoli Yisroel?! Who do you think you are that you have a right to disagree with these giants?! It was people with your disgusting attitude who we read about in two week’s ago parsha, who fought with Moshe Rabbainu and were swallowed by the ground. But we will follow the Gedolim wherever they lead us.

    “supporting racial segregation between Jews is not the Torah way no matter how gadol hador they might be.”
    First of all, no Gadol has ever come out for racism. (They have simply said that we will not let the Israeli High Court tell us which schools to send our children to. Would you want the secular anti-religious Israeli High Court deciding where your kids go to school?)
    But, if the Gedolim had said that racial segregation is the way to go, then that is what we would do. The Gedolim tell us what is correct, and what they say is the final and absolute truth. If what the Gedolim say goes against your sense of ethics, then the problem lies with your “ethics”, not with the Gedolim. As Irving M Bunim says in Ethics of the Fathers: How foolish is he who puts his measuring stick in the river and concludes that the stick has grown or shrunk!! (paraphrased) The Torah, as interpreted by the Gedolim, is the absolute, God-given truth. If the lessons of the Torah don’t match those of society, the problem is with the society.

    “is not the Torah way no matter how gadol hador they might be”
    The Gedolim tell us what is the Torah way. Many have tried interpreting the Torah not like the Gedolim – Korach, the tzedookim, the christians, and the muslims, to name a few. We jews, however, follow the Gedolim. You, TorahJew18, have cruised the line. You are no longer debating segregation, whether racial or religious. You are no longer debating the extent of the Israeli Government’s involvement in Chareadi Chinuch. You are now questioning the Gedolim, a link in the unbroken chain of Gedolim that brings us back to Moshe Rabbainu. And this you cannot do. For if the Gedolim can be wrong here, then who says they can’t be wrong on something else? Like, whether or not Yushka is Moshiach? You, TorahJew18, have crossed the line.

    #18 – “for you to post your note as insinuating that I mocked those Rabbis is insulting and opens for unwanted Lashon haRa, so much for a religious site.” I do not believe there is lashon hara on an anonymous screen name.

  17. To doneel,
    If you read the following article #9 by 1565 in the same page that you bookmarked, it will show you a more accurate account of what’s really going on. Unfortunatelly there have been too much disinformation from the charedi camp and too much spinning the news.

  18. For the record, Shas has its own school system – Ma’ayan Hatorah. How many Ashkenazim are in those schools? Shas doesn’t want Sephardim going to the Ashkenazi schools.
    Anyway, there was no discrimination in this case. In fact 6 of the 9 women being sent to jail are Sephardim!

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