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More Politically Motivated Flotillas Heading to Israel

With another internal probe launched in Israel, into the alleged failures surrounding the Mavi Marama Gaza flotilla commando operation, additional flotillas are setting sail for the shores of Gaza with the realization the increased pressure on Israel is indeed an effective tool to expose Israel vulnerability.

The flotilla perhaps gaining the most notoriety in the women’s flotilla, with self-proclaimed peace-loving women on board, members of the Christian and Muslim communities whom are committed to bring the plight of the suffering Gazans to the attention of the international community. The SS Mariam, sailing under a Lebanese flag, plans to once again place Israel’s policies regarding Hamas-occupied Gaza in the forefront of the international media, seeking to embarrass the Government of Israel and if successful, compel the removal of the Gaza embargo/blockade. The organizers feel that a ship carrying religious women will place Israel’s navy in an even more difficult predicament, and if soldiers are compelled to use force, it will play out even worse than the Mavi Marama in the media.

Officials of the Free Palestine organization are planning to complete filing the paperwork for launch the flotilla from Lebanon, explaining some of those planning to be on the ship have yet to arrive, including a number of nuns. Lebanese law demands permits for a ship to leave port, the but organizers remain confident government officials realize the merit of their cause and will approve the request in a matter of hours.

The organizers of the Mariam has already been actively playing the media, receiving coverage for their prayers and other humanitarian actions on behalf of the oppressed Gazans. Rima Farah, a spokeswoman for the flotilla is quoted by the French AFP media agency stating “our weapons are faith and prayer only”.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon however released statements that the flotillas are a farce, a far cry from a humanitarian effort, and they agents of Iran and Hizbullah, nothing more.

In the case of the Mariam, the organizer is none other than Miriam Samar al-Hajj, who happens to be the wife of Lebanese General Ali Hajj, who is currently serving a prison term for his involvement in the car bomb assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harari. According to foreign media reports, Miriam met with Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in recent weeks, undoubtedly for a prayer service.

The funds for the Mariam are being furnished by Syrian businessman and a outspoken supporter of Hizbullah, Yasser Kashlak, who is quoted by Hizbullah al-Manar TV saying the boats will take the Jews back from Israel to their homeland, referring to Europe.

Another ship is planning to leave from Tripoli via Cyprus, a vessel organized by Hizbullah.

AS WE GO TO PRINT: Lebanon has approved the Mariam setting sail from a local port to Israel via Cyprus.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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