Lalum Signs on Beis Din Arbitration Agreement

[Click on image to enlarge] 9:00PM IL: The Emanuel Beis Yaakov case may have taken a dramatic turn as it appears Yoav Lalum has signed an arbitration agreement with a Jerusalem Beis Din. The document places Yoav Lalum and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Yosef Shlita against Chassidei Slonim in Emanuel, the Keren to Save Chinuch Tohor in Emanuel and the Friends of Emanuel Fund.

After signing the agreement, the decision by the Av Beis Din HaRav Avraham Dov Levine states side A (Slonimer Chassidim) will consult with and receive the approval of the beis din regarding segregation decisions beginning in the 5771 school year.

The decision-making authority will remain exclusively with the Av Beis Din, not with the principals of the school or talmid torah, or even with Chinuch Atzmai officials.

Any separation regarding students must be approved by the beis din, taking the decision out of the hands of the local officials and/or Chinuch Atzmai. In return, Lalum has agreed to withdraw all petitions filed with the High Court of Justice.

The court on the other hand will declare that beginning in 5771, all the children of the school will be united, desegregation, pending any decisions regarding separation by the beis din. The starting point however will be desegregation.

The beis din also stipulates that Slonimer Chassidus or its shluchim may not harm Lalum verbally, in writing or in any form.

It appears that may bring an end to the Emanuel case, at least before the High Court, and by most accounts, not a moment too soon as tensions continue to flare, media incitement is up in all camps, with the anti-chareidi sentiment growing along with some chareidi media referring to Justice Edmond Levy as “Israel’s Goldstone”.

On motzei shabbos, Rav Yaakov Yosef Shlita announced he is bailing out, in no small part due to mounting threats against him, and at present, several decisions are still pending with the High Court of Justice, including the incarceration of 22 Emanuel mothers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. May this be the beginning of the teshuva process for Yoav Lalum. As Chacham Ovadia Yosef said, as things stand, he has no chelek in olam haboah.

  2. The court on the other hand will declare that beginning in 5771, all the children of the school will be united, desegregation, pending any decisions regarding separation by the beis din. The starting point however will be desegregation.


  3. This latest Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s statement, that one who goes to secular courts has no chelek in Oilam Habba, should be seen as a wake up call for all “so-called Orthodox Jews” who blatantly raise their hands against Toras Moshe by ignoring Seruvim from Beis Din and go before the secular courts.

  4. #1 trying my best, i think you are wrong. this is the beginning of the teshuva process for 1) the askonim who kept the gedolim out of this somehow for years, 2) the rabanim and 3) batei din for not preventing this from getting to bagatz. this is the way it should have ended 4 years ago when it started.

    this beis din has shown what i have been saying all along : yidishkeit has been hijacked by people who have their own agendas and have the power to manipulate the gedoilim

    as the article says-“The decision-making authority will remain exclusively with the Av Beis Din, not with the principals of the school or talmid torah, or even with Chinuch Atzmai officials.”

    i ask – who put these people in charge in the first place?- they dont listen to the gedoilim – do we want them being mechanech our children


  5. This agreement means nothing if Side A(the Slonimer Chassidim) do not sign onto it. Furthermore, after having read the arbitration agreement (having zoomed in), I was shocked. It says that Yoav Lalum and Rav Yaakov Yosef acted according to Da’as Torah and can’t be categorized as “mosrim” (informers)!!! This is incredible. It bogglest the mind to suggest that the Beis Din knows nothing of the fact the the plaintiffs went to the SECULAR Supreme Court? Even Rav Ovadiah Yosef (the father of Rav Yaakov Yosef) described anyone who does so as a “moser!”. This Beis Din has lost any credibility. Now, after the Immanuel fathers are in jail, Lalum is willing to withdraw all petitions filed with the Supreme Court??What chutzpah! Isn’t it a little bit too late? He should have thought have that before. From what I read, he doesn’t even live in Immanuel! He did this on his own without any parent in Immanuel complaining to him. I think regarding this, we can saw (Koheles 1:15)”Meuvas lo yuchal liskon…” -A crooked thing that cannot be made straight.

  6. This agreement means nothing if Side A(the Slonimer Chassidim) do not sign onto it. Furthermore, after having read the arbitration agreement (having zoomed in), I was shocked. It says that Yoav Lalum and Rav Yaakov Yosef acted according to Da’as Torah and can’t be categorized as “mosrim” (informers)!!! This is incredible. It bogglest the mind to suggest that the Beis Din knows nothing of the fact the the plaintiffs went to the SECULAR Supreme Court? Even Rav Ovadiah Yosef (the father of Rav Yaakov Yosef) described anyone who does so as a “moser!”. This Beis Din has lost any credibility. Now, after the Immanuel fathers are in jail, Lalum is willing to withdraw all petitions filed with the Supreme Court??What chutzpah! Isn’t it a little bit too late? He should have thought have that before. From what I read, he doesn’t even live in Immanuel! He did this on his own without any parent in Immanuel complaining to him. I think regarding this, we can say (Koheles 1:15)”Meuvas lo yuchal liskon…” -A crooked thing that cannot be made straight.

  7. Uhmmm…Yaakov Yosef withdrew, AFTER his father said he has no chelek in Olam Haba, and he says his reason is because of threats to his family…for someone in his present spiritual state, I’d say that face- saving lie is understandable, but pathetic.

  8. I don’t understand how lalum comes into the picture. Does he live in emanuel? What is his “eisek” with emanuel? He is a kovod fresser. Guaranteed he is running in the next knesset. This is all a ploy to get into the knesset.

  9. #6 – “who put these people in charge in the first place?” Um… maybe the fact that it’s their school?
    “they dont listen to the gedoilim” What are you talking about?! Chinuch Atzmai has the unanimous support of all of today’s Gedolim, just like it was unanimously supported by all the Gedolim of the previous generation. I personally recently attended a fundraiser for Chinuch Atzmai that was attended by R’ Shmuel, R, Reuven Feinstein, and other choshav Roshei Yeshiva. Please check your facts before you threw them out as the truth.

  10. #12- yes the american gedoilim are and always were committed to fund-raising for chinuch atzmai.fact. i just dont think that the israeli gedoilim shlita are REALLY in charge in this vital institution in eretz yisrael- because if they were i highly doubt that this would have ever happened. so to sum up- yes chinuch atzmai has the unanimous support of the gedoilim(U.S. AND Israeli). so i say the(israeli) gedoilim should be RUNNING chinuch atzmai not simply SUPPORTING the askonim who have turned a life saving institution into one of discrimination and one that knows not what a beis din is!

    the gedoilim should take back the hijacked chinuch atzmai and declare ACHDUS WITH ACHEINU HASFARDIM BNEI HAYESHIVOS!

  11. #13- it was mentioned many times in articles about this topic that there is something like 27% sephardim in this school. I wouldn’t be suprised if that was also the same proportion of frum sephardim in Emanuel.

    In fact there is a video on Israel National News from Arutz 7 showing that one of the fathers going to jail was a Yemenite. As the father said, “a Yemenite is being taken in for racism, you understand?”.

    If this was really about racism then prosecuting a Sephardi seems like a rather awkward way to go about fixing the problem.

    There is no discrimination as was proven countless times. And Chas V’Shalom to think that the Gedolei Yisroel are not in control of the askanei Yisroel and Chinuch Atzmai- the project of the gedolim.

    There are always dissenters, people who want to stir up trouble- but in this case we are not showing a lack of Achdus.

  12. #13 – First of all, I believe that Chinuch Atzmai is overseen by the Gedolim. They obviously do not run the program’s day to day affairs, but I believe that they make all the big decisions.
    Secondly: for the last time, there is no racism in Emanuel. Period. What happened was that the Slonimer Chassidim did not want to send their daughters to a school that was attended by girls that did not not have the same religious standards. Because these girls happened to be Sephardim, the Israeli High Court said this was racism, and did not allow the Emanuel parents to send their daughters to a different school. Now the Gedolim have led us in protesting the secular Israeli High Court deciding what schools chaeridim must go to.

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