Prison March Organizer Warns of Violence if Moms are Imprisoned

According to Yitzchak Sheinin, one of the organizers of last Thursday’s prison marches in Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim, if the High Court decides to imprison the 22 Emanuel mothers, the struggle will shift to an entirely different level, one that will include violence.

Sheinin is quoted by Ynet as explaining imprisoning the mothers would change the rules of play since the battle would not just be over education, but the compromised modesty resulting from sending the mothers to prison.

The Emanuel case is far from over, and it continues to dominate the chareidi and secular media as the court is still being bombarded with petitions concerning the mothers, Chinuch Atzmai fines, the legality of the ruling and prison term and other related issues in the case.

Sheinin is quoted as asking “did the mothers murder anyone,” insisting none of the mothers in question will serve time in prison. He warned last week’s prison marches will serve “as an example” of what lies ahead if the court does not back down. He credits the court for turning the imprisoned Emanuel men into “shahids” (holy martyrs – the term used generally in reference to suicide Arab terrorists), adding “to imprison the women would be an even greater mistake by the court”.

Sheinin continues pointing out the court has in essence accomplished nothing, since nothing has or will change, and the parents remain proud, and the ceremony that await their return home will be even greater than the march that escorted them to prison.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. I thought Thursday’s protest were a mofes and a kiddush hashem, becuase for once, there was no violence or threat thereof. I guess it was just a matter of time.

  2. #’s 1 and 2, be happy it was like that on Thursday! This is Israel we are talking about after all and they are not the best known for their peaceful protests!

  3. i don’t think violence is the answer in this case.. it will create more problems than it cures… since the shas party and the rabbanut haven’t gotten the real message yet about this issue (that the Torah education and guidance at the girl’s school has ‘taken a dip’ in my son’s words… he was on the demonstration…)why don’t you just go over to the school and give it a true makeover … in other words … offer to kosher the kitchen, check the mezuzzahs, toivel the equipment, offer to stock the kitchen with kosher food ….. let the shas, the Rabbanut, and Judge Levy know that the issue is with the Torah education of that school … random violence won’t get the true message across … focusing on turning that girl’s school into a place where the RamBam, the Chazon Ish, and Yosef Caro would be able to eat, teach, and send their girls to would be the real message…and more convincing …. with the help of Ha-Shem …

  4. In the 1950s when there was an effort to draft religious girls into the IDF, Rabbi Menachem Porush, OBM, stood up in the Knesset and said that if you try and take away our daughters, we will meet you with guns. It should be clear to all that those elements of the haredi community that work and cooperate with the State are willing to do so only up to a certain point. They do not say such things, as a certain Rosh Yeshiva of the National Religious once said that Shulamit Aloni in her day is just like Shmuel in his day. The relationship is a utilitarian one and not based on any belief in the “holiness” of the State. As such, just like any place in the world where the Government oversteps its bounds, the people affected have the right to resit, even by force of arms.

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  5. Arye, if a government(not the Israeli one) were to try to arrest a frum woman and put her to jail, has vesholom, you’d think it was a breach in tsnius,which justifies violence??!

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